National Archives admits over 1,100 Biden records pages at Penn office, lacks custody of others – IOTW Report

National Archives admits over 1,100 Biden records pages at Penn office, lacks custody of others

“NARA does not have physical custody of any Vice Presidential records retrieved from these locations. Because we lack custody of the records, we cannot respond to your request for these records,” the Archives said.

JTN: The National Archives has admitted that approximately 1,170 pages of records from President Joe Biden’s time as vice president were found at the Penn Biden Center in November 2022, and the agency said it does not have custody of any records discovered at Biden’s homes in Delaware.

The America First Legal Foundation highlighted the revelation Thursday by publishing a letter that the National Archives sent to the conservative legal group in response to a Freedom of Information Act request.

The Archives told the legal group it “must deny your request in full for approximately 1,170 pages” found at the Penn Biden Center in the president’s former office because they are the “subject of an ongoing law enforcement investigation.”

The agency gave the same reasoning for denying America First access to the nine boxes of records found at Biden’s attorney’s office in Boston.  It is unclear what documents were included in that cache, but The Associated Press reported last month that it did not appear to include any classified documents.

America First also requested all records found at Biden’s family home or vacation home in Delaware. more here

8 Comments on National Archives admits over 1,100 Biden records pages at Penn office, lacks custody of others

  1. The two tiered Justice System is alive on steroids.
    The DOJ and FBI involved in another blatantly, illegal cover-up.

    If your name is obama, clinton or biden the law doesn’t apply.

    Of, by and for the people, are hollow, meaningless words in 2023.

  2. That’s why he’s letting lose the dogs of war: Ukraine, Syria, transviolence …

    It’s all connected to what’s coming out. He’s afraid.

    If we take our eyes off that, he succeeds.

  3. If Joey lives after his usurpation, he has an indictment in his future.
    Good for the goose; good for the gander – and all that goose shit …

    They cycle will continue until all is settled through violence.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. After the multiple indictments he will endure most supporters will be in shock &/or need shock treatment. Indict Biden, you’ll need real crimes/criminal offenses, not make believe bullshit.

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