National Enquirer: Fort Hood jihadist shooter Nidal Hassan is ‘gay’ and wants a sex-change operation – IOTW Report

National Enquirer: Fort Hood jihadist shooter Nidal Hassan is ‘gay’ and wants a sex-change operation

Yeah, I know. It’s the  National Enquirer.
But why was the story written? For sympathy?

19th Ward Chicago: Nidal Malik Hasan, 46, an American-born Muslim of Palestinian heritage, is the former Army Medical Corps psychiatrist and jihadist who fatally shot 13 people and injured more than 30 others in the Fort Hood mass shooting on November 5, 2009, for which he was convicted in a court martial and sentenced to death. He is incarcerated and awaiting execution at Fort Leavenworth Disciplinary Barracks while his case is reviewed by appellate courts.
In letters to the National Enquirer, Hasan reveals he’s a homosexual transgender, and wants a sex change operation, on the taxpayer’s dime of course.
J.R. Taylor reports for The National Enquirer, Feb. 23, 2017, that in his letters, Hasan expressed no regrets for his shooting massacre. He said he was upset at the deployment of troops to Afghanistan and at a homosexual lover for ditching him.
According to The Enquirer, Hasan’s lover may have been an Islamic convert who worshiped at the Islamic Community of Greater Killeen that Hasan frequented. “Hasan claimed he was instructing the young man on Islam, but the rumor at the mosque was that he was in love with him,” an insider said.  MORE

35 Comments on National Enquirer: Fort Hood jihadist shooter Nidal Hassan is ‘gay’ and wants a sex-change operation

  1. what is taking so long? this guy is sentenced to die- so do it……….give him a photo image of what he would look like as a woman to hold as he takes his last breath. stop wasting money on these people in jail–

  2. I’ll be glad to perform the surgery for free, Texas cowboy style.

    Even use a six shooter instead of my Glock.

    Ok ok. I’ll pay for the privilege.

    What? The bidding has reached over $10,000.00?

    Guess I’ll have to watch it on youtube like other poor people who want to make the world a better place one hole at a time.

  3. I’m all for in in theory. And to show our cultural sensitivity lets cut off his privates with a shard of broken glass with nothing to dull the pain. Then arrange for all the sodomites in the prison to abuse him hard, every day, how many ever times a day, until he dies of natural death or execution which ever comes first.

    Oh, instead of KY just a jar of bacon fat.

    (I can hear Darth Vader’s voice: You don’t know the power of the dark side. I should not give in to the dark side but a news story like that- how can I not go there)

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