‘National Identity Crisis’: Anti-Woke Businessman Vivek Ramaswamy Launches 2024 White House Campaign. – IOTW Report

‘National Identity Crisis’: Anti-Woke Businessman Vivek Ramaswamy Launches 2024 White House Campaign.

Breitbart: Anti-woke businessman Vivek Ramaswamy has formally launched his 2024 presidential campaign on Tuesday evening with a video laying out what he says is a “national identity crisis” facing the nation and the need for a revival of “American exceptionalism.”

“We’re in the middle of a national identity crisis today,” Ramaswamy says in the video. “Our nation is hungry for a cause, for purpose, for meaning. The things that used to fill that void like faith, patriotism, hard work, and family have disappeared. We now embrace one secular religion after another, from Covid-ism to climate-ism and gender ideology to satisfy our deeper need for identity. Yet we cannot even answer the question of what it means to be an American in the year 2023. Today, the woke left preys on that vacuum. They tell you that your race, your gender, and your sexual orientation govern who you are and what you can achieve in life. If you question that orthodoxy, they call you a bigot, a homophobe, a climate denier, a racist. There is no greater damnation in modern America than to be called a racist. This is psychological slavery and that’s created a new culture of fear in our country that has completely replaced our culture of free speech in America.” MORE

10 Comments on ‘National Identity Crisis’: Anti-Woke Businessman Vivek Ramaswamy Launches 2024 White House Campaign.

  1. The issue is who our highly paid politicians don’t know who they represent, the USA or other nations. Urinating our tax dollars away else where and not here. Can’t even get a clean up of a highly hazardous train spill from those who spend their time and our money giving dollars away in other nations. BS its time.

  2. I listened to him speak on Tucker Carlson and went to his web site. He is a compatriot of Peter Theil. He is impressive if you listen to what his plan for America is to get rid of the communist cancer in our Country. He is worth watching. Highly recommend.

  3. Agree with Junius. Caught him on Tucker last night and I was impressed. Very well spoken and hit a lot of buttons for me. Needless to say he’s a huge longshot and I have no idea about his funding but I like what I heard and I hope he sticks around long enough to at least get to the debates.

  4. I have heard of him because of his entrepreneurial work in establishing investment alternatives to ESG based firms. So that’s good. Don’t know much else about him but this should give him a higher profile for his business and political efforts to combat woke. All good.

    Whether he has a chance first time around is doubtful but I hope he gets into the primary debates, where he will make the conversation more interesting than the careerists.

  5. @beachmom: Thanks for that! I did not know that and it’s not the first time I have been surprised to find that a seemingly patriotic conservative voice was trained by / aligned with YGL.

    Poked around and found this snippet in an article by Ethan Peck on Human Events website of Nov 10 last year:
    Musk, Thiel and Ramaswamy are arguably the three most influential and outspoken anti-woke, anti-globalist businessmen on the planet. Yet, all three are YGLs and just so happen to also be business partners with each other. I’m not sure what to make of that strange fact (perhaps their public opposition to the WEF agenda is in part informed by their inside exposure to it?). Whatever the reason, their connection to the WEF shouldn’t be ignored – we should be able to recognize and appreciate some of the good work they are doing while reserving some skepticism given their history.

    Hmmmm… with a dash of Eeuwww…


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