National Intelligence Office Denies Report Claiming Deep State Hiding Info from Trump – IOTW Report

National Intelligence Office Denies Report Claiming Deep State Hiding Info from Trump

The Office of the Director of National Intelligence issued a statement on Wednesday night disputing a report that career intelligence officials have been withholding information from President Trump and his national security team.

The original report surfaced in the Wall Street Journalwhich claimed that “current and former officials familiar with the matter” said sensitive intelligence was held back from the president because they were afraid he would compromise it.

Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA), top Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee, appeared to endorse this account, stating he had spoken with “people in the intelligence community that do have concerns about the White House, about the president.”

“I think those concerns take a number of forms,” Schiff added. “What the intelligence community considers their most sacred obligation is to protect the very best intelligence and to protect the people that are producing it.”

However, shortly after the Wall Street Journal published its account of Deep State insubordination, Fox News cast doubt on the narrative, citing a government official who said Trump “has in fact been receiving what’s known as the President’s Daily Brief, noting that it does not routinely include raw data or discussion of sources and methods.”  MOR

6 Comments on National Intelligence Office Denies Report Claiming Deep State Hiding Info from Trump

  1. Intelligence briefings are, well, brief. The President is briefed on what he needs to know, and so long as the President is not denied access to anything he wants to know, then this is fine.

    The media is scared of the tag “fake news,’ although the MSM had a hand in creating this phenomenon. So the tactic appears to be print or report something facially true, but spin it like it’s bad. “The CIA doesn’t tell the President everything it knows” becomes spun as “the CIA hides information from the President.”

    Why this is now of interest to the media is not clear. Hillary Clinton has already proven that she cannot be trusted with maintaining the secrecy of sensitive information, and it was well known, but not well reported that Obama frequently skipped intelligence briefings. But now that a grown up is in charge, these things become vital.

  2. What was the Director of National Intelligence supposed to say ; “yes it’s true, we are hiding intel from the president because we are a bunch of Obama loyalists, trying to undermine him? Uh, no.

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