National Media Ignores Massive Pro-Trump Boat Parade Phenomenon Sweeping the Nation – IOTW Report

National Media Ignores Massive Pro-Trump Boat Parade Phenomenon Sweeping the Nation

American Greatness: A pro-Trump Boat Parade in Clearwater, Florida on Saturday set the record for the biggest boat parade of all time, shattering the previous world record. Organizers of the Clearwater boat parade said that over 1,600 boats signed up for the event, and that didn’t include last minute arrivals and those who joined in along the route. All told, as many as 2,000 boats took part, organizers told Fox 13. The previous record was set in Malaysia with 1,180 boats. MORE

15 Comments on National Media Ignores Massive Pro-Trump Boat Parade Phenomenon Sweeping the Nation

  1. Since they ignore it their viewers also have no clue about the Trump voter enthusiasm for this election. I work with progressive nuts that believe Biden is up 15, everyone hates Trump. I just want the landslide on November 3rd. The response will be epic, even better than last time.

  2. I’m not close to motor boating but I remember a big deal back in the 1960’s was dual OB Evinrude motors. My friend’s family had a cottage near Parry Sound, ON., and they had to motor boat out to their cottage at the end of the lake. No road to get there.

    Do they still make Evinrude motors here or has that also been outsourced to The People’s Tyranny of China?

  3. Their narrative has no space for this. So it didn’t happen. Thousands of events, hundreds of individuals who have done noteworthy things, dozens of important stories will never be mentioned. Because they are at odds with what the media is selling.

    For a citizenry to participate in the experiment of self government a free press, void of partisanship must supply them with valid information to form their own opinions.

    Sadly, our national media has chosen a side and an ideology. This usually leads to either crushing and lethal control of the populace by the government or civil war.

    We live in interesting times.

  4. Drove to House I’m working at on Big Torch Key…Two Young black Dudes unloading

    a Kayak into the Water..Giant…and I mean giant Trump Flag on Their Truck..

    I honked and waved a Thumbs up! made My Day !

  5. They were really pissed off when a boat with a Trump banner photobombed the SpaceX capsule splashdown. But they couldn’t make a big deal about it either, because they’re trying to hide it! lololoool it’s “He will not divide us” 2020


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