National Parks Are Racist! – IOTW Report

National Parks Are Racist!

YC: To liberals, everything is racist or sexist.

Because the entire world is focused on nothing more than oppressing women or minorities.

However, oppressing women is totally cool if the Middle East is doing it.

Being racist is also totally fine if it’s directed at white people.

It’s a strange formula, but pretty entertaining to watch.

In case you missed it, guess what else is racist now?

National Parks.

Yup, and the reason why is really solid.  And by solid I mean ridiculous.

22 Comments on National Parks Are Racist!

  1. This is why we can’t have nice things.

    I’m actually facing this crap in my state where our state board of education claims that universal pre-school (I think it’s 5 hours a day four days a week) is not “fair” because poor people may not have transportation to get their kids to the pre-school AND may not be able to arrange daycare for the non-school hours.


  3. I don’t know what to say about the stupidity of saying that Natl. Parks are racist. Hell, everything is racist to the left and I mean everything. These miserable pissants and killjoys hate everything that that they can’t control or create. I’m sick of their smug sanctimoniousness. The Natl. Narks are for everybody to enjoy, not just for a bunch of friggin yuppies who want nothing to do with us hoi polio and want us to basically to keep off the grass, out of their sight so they can worship ma gaia. Why do I have the feeling the so called barbarians in Brave new World were better off than the stoned, mindless, soma crazed, sex crazed and everything has to be a new experience to keep everyone perpetually entertained while the world goes to Hell in a handbasket elites. Me, I side with those who enjoy life as it is and is satisfied with the beauty of the wonderful creation that God has given us to enjoy. I see the beauty of this country nearly every day driving thru Eastern Wash., N. Idaho and NW Montana. Flathead Lake at dawn is a spectacular sight with the sun coming up to the East just over the high mountains at Elmo, Mt, about halfway up Flathead Lake. I’ll never get tired of it, these idiots just need to relax, smell the flowers, smell the coffee and be thankful and grateful rather than piss and moan about how unfair everything is.

  4. Man I’m in deep sh**. My way of getting away from all the “unfairness” in this country and world, is to buy an annual National Park pass, and go where I know I won’t run into certain types of people.

  5. So, if I read the article correctly,
    Leftists are calling for places like

    Detroit, Chicago, Baltimore
    (among others)

    to be RAZED and declared National Parks
    so “dem folks” can enjoy the Parks closer to them.

    Do I understand them correctly?
    I got no problem wid dat. Cracka.

  6. Why would a ghetto rat want to see something beautiful? They surround themselves with filth — rap “music”, Mooch Obola, Oprah, McDonald’s trash, graffiti, spent shell casings, used needles, used condoms, empty Mickey’s 40 bottles… and you’ve got the fucking balls to say they want to see beautiful things?

  7. Here we go again with the progressive flip-flop-flip. For decades they’ve told us how awesome cities are and how everyone should live in them. They have even pursued policies designed to try to force people to live in them. And now what do they discover? That minorities who live in them and believe their crap.. “The study found that “communities of color and low income communities in the West have disproportionately less open space and natural areas nearby than does the overall population in their states”.

    DUHHHHhuhhhhhh Why do you think sane people prefer the suburbs?

    Their solution? “correcting for these types of inequities should be a priority when considering designating new public lands or expanding existing boundaries.”

    What are you going to do? Turn the cities into suburbs? Manufacture “open space and natural areas” where none exist that are somehow near the massive populations stuck in the urban areas?

    Is there anybody left who doesn’t believe that the progressive left is certifiably insane?

  8. Gojira: It’s already started. The result of the efforts of the obunghole admin to increase minority interest in the parks has already resulted in increased vandalism, graffiti, increased litter and trash, theft, and destruction of historic sites.

  9. “A new analysis, released Monday, finds that low income communities and communities of color in the West have, on average, less remaining open space and natural area nearby than the state average.”

    Well, of course there is less remaining open space; the leftists have thrown the doors open to immigrants and “refugees” so urban sprawl is the natural result. John S’ comment on Yosemite is true of all the National Parks i have been to as well. I am confident the “study” lumped Asians in with Caucasians to ensure the desired outcome.

  10. “Manufacture “open space and natural areas” where none exist that are somehow near the massive populations stuck in the urban areas?”

    Hey now, you may be on to something. We may need to rethink preventing ISIS from slipping a nuke into a few cities.

    At least those in the blast zone won’t be disadvantaged any more!

  11. A lot of People of color don’t go camping because they don’t like it, and they don’t have a connection to the land.
    They like the infrastructure.
    We revere our wild spaces and strive to get closer to them
    Just differences in preference, not a plan in the works.

  12. It may be a difference of preference now… but it has been bred in over the last 150 years. And for the whites it’s been bred in over the last 30 years. Your average iphone wanker can’t live for 40 minutes without some fucking angry birds, or Pokehole bullshit.

  13. So, it looks like maybe there are not enough people being robbed and raped at national parks?
    Just put in some low-income housing there, that will boost the crime rates just the way Soros sees fit.

  14. I like the national parks but I tend to stay away from the crowds. Back roads suit me better.

    0bama is attempting to make a new national park in Utah and the Utahans want no part of it. Another fucxking land grab by a corrupt administration.

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