National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day – IOTW Report

National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day

Each year on Dec. 7, Pearl Harbor Survivors, veterans, and visitors from all over the world come together to honor and remember the 2,403 service members and civilians who were killed during the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941. A further 1,178 people were injured in the attack, which permanently sank two U.S. Navy battleships (the USS Arizona and the USS Utah) and destroyed 188 aircraft.

14 Comments on National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day

  1. An 18 year old in 1941 would be 100 years old now. Are any military members present that day still alive today?
    My uncle, who enlisted into the Navy during WWII when he turned 18 died two years ago at 95. RIP Uncle Harry.

  2. They had their lives taken from them in a Rothchild / Rockefeller Ritual sacrifice just like the victims of 9/11 did, as did the hero’s of Vietnam, Korea the Gulf war, the Iraqi war…..etc.

    I still honor them for their sacrifice.

  3. Also the day my father passed. Hard to forget.

    Might be a few too many common dates in my family.

    12-7 for Dad’s passing.

    9-11 for son #2’s birth.

    April 1 for first Grandchild’s birth.

    Father’s Day for my birth.

    At least Sis missed Christmas by 12 days being born on Dec 13. Oh, wait… 12 days of Christmas.

    It’s like a lame Hallmark movie around here.

  4. I follow Tulsi Gabbard on Instagram. She’s actually become one of my favorite peeps and definitely would help a Trump effort in fixing this shit. My jaw dropped when I read what she wrote about Pearl Harbor and 12-7 today. Basically, don’t trust them fxcking Japs. Here it is,

    tulsigabbard’s profile picture
    As we remember Japan’s aggression in the Pacific, we need to ask ourselves this question: is the remilitarization of Japan, which is presently underway, truly a good idea? We need to be careful that shortsighted, self-serving leaders do not end up bringing us again face-to-face with a remilitarized Japan.

  5. I’ve lost all of the people that I knew who served in WWII…..Dean Paylow USN, Claude ? Iwo Jima (he wouldn’t talk about it), Ross Way Army….Arnold Klein Auschwitz survivor, Maury Engle Army Photographer/rifleman…..Those boys who were men when I was introduced to them as a lad help grow me up….

  6. Leende

    I believe your son would want you happy. I can’t even pretend to know what you’re going through. But I’m a pretty damn good listener. Feel free to ask BFH for my e mail, I’ll send you my numbers.

  7. There are approximately maybe 150 to 160 thousand living veterans of World War 2 still alive today. Within the next 5 years they will all be gone and buried. Let us never forget their sacrifices for our freedoms when the greatest generation, my dad and my uncle’s generation are completely gone. I already miss them: my dad and my uncles have all passed within the past 5 to 10 years in their 80’s and 90’s. May we still be worthy of their sacrifice. And may God continue to bless us despite our sins and the failure of our current circumstance of not living up to their standards. Particularly, over the last 55 years or since 1968 when the shit started hitting the fan in America.

  8. My brother William was in the Navy and at Pearl on Dec 7 and made it out alive. Gone now, but had memories he pasted along. Too bad humans fail to learn the value of hard lessons.


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