National Political Propagandist Anthony Fauci Expresses His Sadness as COVID Cases Drop Rapidly – IOTW Report

National Political Propagandist Anthony Fauci Expresses His Sadness as COVID Cases Drop Rapidly


Positive COVID-19 cases have plummeted nationally.  Symptomatic cases as well severe illness, hospitalizations and death have also collapsed.  Given the scientific discussion surrounding variant strength and transmissibility, my own belief is that the number of non-vaccinated Americans has stabilized; and the hardcore unvaxxed group, with strong natural antibody immunity – or strong immune systems writ large, is now defeating virus pop-ups in significant enough population scale/strength to drop the infection rate.

However, as the infection rate declines, and the number of severe illness cases drops dramatically, Dr. Anthony Fauci is reduced to the position of a hammer looking for a nation of diminishing nails.  Fauci appears very sad today on CNN, as the little shred of his expertise that remains is increasingly useless.

In a display of sympathy, Dana Bash attempts to lift Fauci’s spirits with the promotion of fear.  Toward the end of the interview segment [05:15], trying to keep up appearances of doom, Ms. Bash asks, “When will vaccinated people be able to take off their masks indoors?”   That opens the door for Fauci to promote his enhanced variant distribution & delivery process, aka ‘The Vaccine’. more

19 Comments on National Political Propagandist Anthony Fauci Expresses His Sadness as COVID Cases Drop Rapidly

  1. We have the following possible COVID variants:

    α, β, γ, δ, ε, ζ, η, θ, ι, κ, λ, μ, ν, ξ, ο, π, ρ, σ, τ, υ, φ, χ, ψ, and ω.

    How they explain going from ‘δ’ (delta) to ‘μ’ (mu) is anyone’s guess, but I’m going with incompetence. (It’s like they’re afraid to pronounce them or something.)

    But for sure, there will be more than mu. Expect three or four (take your pick of the Greek alphabet) really ‘killer’ ones (but only on the news as the hospitals remain empty) next spring and early 2024. We all know why.

  2. Some reporter at the White house briefing needs to ask why postal workers are exempt from the “jab” and our military is not. And if Propaganda pusher Psaki doesn’t know, have her circle back until a believable answer is produced.

  3. Don’t give up yet, Tony! There’s still Halloween, which you, in your overflowing benevolence, graciously granted our children permission to celebrate! With any luck, you can call it a “super-spreader” and validate giving the jab to elementary school students!


  4. Most readers here probably have not experienced a covid outbreak amid a closed remote group of 2 dozen people so let me tell you what happened to us 6 weeks ago. A tourist brought the virus to us. One by one, over a period of 2 weeks, about 18 of the 24 people in our group developed symptoms of covid AND tested positive for covid. About ½ of our group was “vaxxed” 3 months proior to the outbreak. About ½ of the people who developed covid were “vaxxed” 3 months prior to this outbreak. This proves that in our case, being “vaxxed” was NO advantage in avoiding covid. Our group’s ages ranged from 17 to 73 years old. Everyone recovered without hospitalization. Interestingly, the people in our group who did not get covid were either under 30 years old or were non-european ( one who avoided covid was Hispanic and another was American Indian). Our experience leads me to conclude that almost everything the “powers” tell us about covid and the “vaxx” is a bald faced LIE. Shame on them.

  5. In some ways, we should be grateful to this monumental asshole Fauci. He has exposed what an absolute fucking joke the US public health service is and how we should never trust it again.

  6. The Danimal
    It’s all been a LIE. Starting a year before “Biden Wins” fake.
    Search Bitchute for “ventilators”.
    Hospitals are complicit and should be held accountable.
    If your up to it search “Adrenochrome” as well.

    This might be helpful as well.
    October 2020, we added ivermectin as a core medication in the prevention and treatment of COVID-19. I-MASK+ Protocol

  7. Cmn¢¢guy October 11, 2021 at 9:36 pm

    Of COURSE it’s all been a lie. But unlike MOST people who realize it’s all a lie, my proof of what a lie it all is, is based on personal recent experience in an ISOLATED group of 24 people of varying ages and ethnicities. That is solid data. In addition, don’t forget about Hydroxychloroquine. That med works wonders. Go ahead, Socials, censor me!

  8. Up here in the Great White North, the Communist Broadcaster Canada-CBC (bought and paid for by the Trudope government) is posting pictures of mannequins occupying hospital beds. Just so we are aware of how dire the COVID situation is and how we (the unvaccinated) are going to DIE and cause hundreds of thousands of others to DIE!!!

    Meanwhile in Alberta (where the mannequins occupy the hospital beds) the Provincial Government have imported thousands of nurses from the Philippines to replace the unvaccinated nurses they have fired. No word yet on whether the Filipinos have been vaxxed.


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