NATIONAL REVIEW, Conservatism Inc., Plan To Cave Even More On Immigration! – IOTW Report

NATIONAL REVIEW, Conservatism Inc., Plan To Cave Even More On Immigration!

VDARE: Conservatives are fond of saying, “Being a liberal means never having to say you’re sorry.” Unfortunately, the same is true of Conservatism Inc. functionaries. They acknowledge conservatives are facing demographic extinction. They admit it is happening because of immigration. But they refuse to listen to the very people who warned them about this. Instead, they will continue skipping towards annihilation and drag the entire country with them.

Exhibit A: the recent cover story from National Review telling us, once again, how Republicans need to “adapt to a diversifying electorate or lose their influence” [ Can the GOP Overcome Demographic Change in Red States , by Tim Alberta, [Email him]November 7 2016].

Incredibly, the hook of the story is the tale of an American couple who used to live in California before fleeing the state.

The state had been overrun, first by immigrants legal and illegal, their cultures and traditions in tow, and then by liberal politicians who seized control of the government by catering to these constituencies and turning their communities into Democratic garrisons. The state became majority-minority in 2001; whites are now 39 percent of its population and dwindling. In turn, the GOP is essentially extinct, representing conservative enclaves around California but irrelevant in statewide elections.

They fled to Arizona, but the same process of ethnic cleansing via mass immigration is underway there as well. So they are supporting Donald Trump in order to stop it.

Needless to say, author Alberta does not sympathize with their solution.   MORE

6 Comments on NATIONAL REVIEW, Conservatism Inc., Plan To Cave Even More On Immigration!

  1. A person who is not a citizen of the United States should not be allowed to vote in any state.
    A person who has committed a felony and sentenced to prison, should not be allowed to vote in any state.
    A person who does not pay taxes to the state, should not be allowed to vote in the state.
    So it was, once upon a time, so it should be again.

  2. Legal aliens, and I am one, come here to be part of America, to be an American. They study American history and appreciate the meaning of freedom… Illegal aliens, on the other hand ,sneak in to grab what they can, use the system, and don’t give one flying fuck about America or what it means. Then they vote democrat to assure that they get their freebees.

  3. I just copied this off a Pro Trump FB site. Our trading partners get it. If the US economy is in the toilet, so is theres.

    “GUYS, it’s not only about USA, it’s about the whole world! Best regards from Brazil. So please be responsable. #Trump2016 #TrumpTheEstablishment

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