National Review crashes and burns over “Rich Men North of Richmond” – IOTW Report

National Review crashes and burns over “Rich Men North of Richmond”

Don Surber: I was not going to write about Oliver Anthony’s brilliant song, Rich Men North of Richmond, because I have nothing worthy to add. The video puts all other commentary to shame. North of Richmond refers to the federal government, which is too large, too powerful and too uncaring.

But Mark Antonio Wright, executive editor of the Never Trump National Review, butted in with a Learn-to-Code column attacking Anthony for daring to complain about DC’s treatment of the working class. It lectured Anthony to be more like Woody Guthrie, the Nazi apologist and communist.

Anthony’s song says:

I’ve been sellin’ my soul, workin’ all day
Overtime hours for bullshit pay
So I can sit out here and waste my life away
Drag back home and drown my troubles away

Wright responded, “My brother in Christ, you live in the United States of America in 2023 — if you’re a fit, able-bodied man, and you’re working ‘overtime hours for bullshit pay,’ you need to find a new job.”

Get a job?

That’s it?

Ahh, yip-yip-yip-yip-yip-yip-yip-yip
Mum-mum-mum-mum-mum-mum, get a job
Sha-na-na-na, sha-na-na-na-na


26 Comments on National Review crashes and burns over “Rich Men North of Richmond”

  1. I got back from an extended trip and one of the Seattle’s establishment Republican radio station was on in the commuter van I was riding in. Irrespective of which of the two who claim to be conservative, neither is any better than the other and both are noting but Washington State Republican Party mouthpieces who shill for the Bellevue Boy’s Club.

    So the shitbaggery coming out of the host’s pie hole referred to Mr Anthony and his song as a complainer complaining and then spent the next couple minutes making sport of his name.

    National Review is yesterday’s news and nothing but part of the propaganda mill that supports the establishment Republican machine.

    Fuck ’em.

  2. Yes there are good paying jobs out there if you are willing to live in Wokeville and embrace diversity.

    And if you are willing to watch assholes like the Biden crime family break all the laws, lie about everything, and make you kiss their shoes and bow to their rings.

    It is time to wake up and say it stops right now with “me.”

  3. North of Richmond refers to the federal government, which is too large, too powerful and too uncaring.

    We should be so lucky as to the too uncaring part. It is not the government’s business to care about anything other than staying out of the citizen’s personal business. To expect sincerity on the part of government is nothing but a fool’s errand and a trap.

  4. National Review is like the majority of Republicans in public office; they discovered long ago that it is much easier to carp on the periphery, on the outside looking in, than to actually step on stage and do something substantive. Criticism is always easier than creativity, it is the very embodiment of the “victim” culture,”I am incapable and offer nothing of value, but I validate my miserable life by attacking anything constructive you try to do”.

    And if they get their way, come 2024, they will still be on the outside, taking comfort in their safety while lamenting the sad state of the country.

  5. I used to subscribe to national Review in the 80’s and 90’s and into the early 2000’s till about the time GWB became President. I gave them up entirely after they unceremoniously fired John Derbyshire for speaking the truth about black/white relations in America. Nat. Review used to be conservative when Wm. F Buckley was still alive but has become totally establishment and full of MAGA and Trump hatred and a bunch of cowardly neo cons who never met a war that they didn’t like. Goodbye forever, Nat. Review, I don’t miss you or NRO one damn bit.

  6. I have just waded through about an hour of reaction videos to this song.They were from people from all over the world and from all races.
    Each and everyone of them had nothing but praise for this young mans anthem.
    So yeah go F..k yourself M A Wright.

  7. The latest trend on tik-tok right now is 20 something’s whining about the economy (inflation, price of necessities, working paycheck to paycheck, and maxing out credit cards to make ends meet). But to a person, if you asked them who they voted for last time, they will all say Biden. The disconnect is breathtaking. They were all around when Trump ran things, they witnessed an explosive economy raising all boats, wage increases, 2 dollar gas, 2% inflation, and money left over after paying bills.

    They all experienced prosperity and now experience misery, but can any connect the dots?

  8. The latest trend on Tik-tok i have seen lately is cracking eggs over baby’s heads to make an omelette.The kids on the other hand freak out and cry thinking Mom is an ass hole while mom laughs.
    Yup social media.

  9. @ Rich Taylor AT 3:48 PM

    “if you asked them who they voted for last time, they will all say Biden. The disconnect is breathtaking.”

    The Republican establishment would have these innocents believe that they are not on Team Biden and offer an alternative. Nothing could be further from the truth. McCain and/or Romney would not have been any better than Obama and that is what they are selling.

  10. @ geoff the aardvark AT 3:34 PM

    Me too.

    WFB was solid, he used to attend mass at my mom’s cousin Fr Phil J Ryan’s parish, St. Elizabeth’s parish in Guerneville when he was in California. He was fairly reclusive.

  11. By the way, I have a Nat. Review Tee shirt (still in the box) that I received decades ago before I hung them up and it can be yours for 1 meeeeellion iOtwr dollars!

  12. If you can believe it, Russell Kirk one of my conservative literary heroes had a regular column in Natl. Review back in the 70’s and into the early 80’s. He sure as heck wouldn’t be allowed to voice his conservative opinion in Natl. Review’s pages anymore. Nor would Whittaker Chambers who once wrote columns and was an editor for Time Magazine back in the 40’s and 50’s be allowed to write for Time now as well. They were true conservatives who believed in true time-tested conservative principles and not namby pamby, squish, neo con, elite, faux, establishment so called conservativism that is more libertarian than truly conservative. I learned from the best and the new neo con conservatives aren’t conservative or Christian in their beliefs and world views. Both Russell Kirk and Whittaker Chamber were believing Christians. I doubt seriously that Natl. Review would give nothing but contempt for Alexander Solzhenitsyn now either because of his Christian worldview. That is why I am a conservative because of my belief in God (and 3 years in the US Navy in the early to mid 70’s) and not man’s wisdom thinking that he is the measure of all things.

  13. I thought NR had folded up its tent already. They must be down to, what?, a few hundred readers? I still haven’t forgiven everyone who was among the “22”.

  14. I had to think hard to remember which one National Review was… and I’m still not sure I know, just that I don’t read it.

    As to Mr Anthony, I’ve spent the week off & on watching reaction videos of that song. Black, white, asian, conservative, liberal, independents, men, women… people from all over the world… almost to a one they’ve laughed then cheered and finally cried over that song.

    To say he touched a raw nerve is an understatement. And the “elites” (of both parties) belittle that at their own peril.


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