Nation’s Gun Show event in Virginia canceled after Gov. Northam’s new COVID executive order – IOTW Report

Nation’s Gun Show event in Virginia canceled after Gov. Northam’s new COVID executive order

Just The News: A gun show scheduled for this weekend in Virginia that organizers expected to attract 25,000 people has been canceled after Democratic Gov. Ralph Northam tightened coronavirus restrictions across the state. 

Organizers of the Nation’s Gun Show tried unsuccessfully Thursday to get a court injunction to allow the gun-sale event to proceed, arguing they couldn’t succeed under Northam’s executive order last week – which caps attendance for “entertainment and amusement” at either 250 people or 30% of maximum capacity. 

The legal complaint, led by promoter Showmasters Inc. and filed against Northam and the state’s health commissioner, argues the executive order restricts the rights to keep and bear arms because the occupancy cap would force the show to be canceled. read more

19 Comments on Nation’s Gun Show event in Virginia canceled after Gov. Northam’s new COVID executive order

  1. How about lots of little small shows in tents around the city that comply with the Govnah’s edict? Fuck ’em. And there could be a website directory of where they’re located by manufacturer / organization. No more than 250 per tent. No problemo.

  2. Because ole Coonman Blackface kkk hood wearing guv nah Northam continues to make Virginia do his penance for his multitude of sins, and since the Wuhan red Chinese virus gives him the opportunity to establish the dictatorship that allows him the opportunity to impose his desire to add to his stripping of Virginia’s rights.

    1st amendment? Gone. No free speech. No church services. Exception: rioting and removal of statues.
    2nd amendment? Gone. No gun shows like those that have occurred forever.

    I’ll stop. Tired of typing the same stuff.

  3. If you leave the state you’re in, where do you go? Do you think it’s going to be better? Do you think the libs are not spreading their tentacles? They must be defeated on our home turfs! In every damn location! We can’t hide from the horror of liberalism! We are in a war!

  4. I will say one thing about Virginia. Admittedly a stretch.

    We have an election for Governor, Lt gov and atty Gen next year.

    I am not optimistic and am nearly ready to pull up my tent pegs.

    I hate the desert. I hate the cold. Plus I hate moving.

    Quite frankly, since this is a census year, where should my electoral vote move?

  5. “Just get it out of Virginia and into a friendly state. Vote with your wallets.”

    I had a Deputy Sheriff stop by today that I’ve sold/made several guns for. Tells me he’s sold his house and move to what’s gotta be the preferred destination for perceived oppressed conservatives. Eagle Idaho. Which I’ve had my eye on. He tells me a home goes up for sake and it’s an immediate bidding war. His real estate agent tells him he’s competing against people from, California, Washington, Oregon, and Virginia. Hit me like a sledgehammer. Should we be giving up this much real estate? Or should we stay and fight. The way things are going we are all going to be living in Idaho, Wyoming, and South Dakota.

  6. Geoff, that’s exactly the point. We can’t run anyplace now. We must defend our homeland where ever it is. Like Ronaldus Magnus said, “we are the last best chance on earth”! At this point in time it’s not just on the country level, but for us it’s on the state level. Running to another state solves NOTHING!

  7. Joe6pack.
    Come live on top of Queen Anne Hill. Crime every where.
    You have know idea what it is like living in Seattle now.
    Ballard is a lost cause, Green Lake, Chas Hill,The CD, Rainer Valley.I could go on, and so I will. Two days ago my daughter went down to Pioneer Square, broad day light some guy was yelling at the sky and she crossed the street and the next thing she new some other guy was standing next to her in the door way of the Gold Rush Museum,you know the area well,It scared the hell out of her, she is no wall flower has a black belt in Tae Kwon Do and has just started to learn how to shoot, and she loves it.
    Even she does not feel safe as a young Gal, You now how we felt when we were 24 you could do anything anytime.
    It is a different city now and we have done what we could to try to change it and we are tired of the fight.
    It is sad to have to leave but we are, 60 plus years in the NW.
    To many commies keep moving in and vote to change the state,and they have.

  8. Geoff, I understand completely! But my point is, how many of us can go to the few places that are left, and think we are building a stronger union for our children and grandchildren? We are running out of places to go. And, we might be outnumbered when we get there.

  9. “These deplorable Bambi mother killers need to follow some science for a change”

    They are, the behavioral science of social control, personal behavior, and the manipulation of mass thinking and behavior.

    That actually is a science, and it is being applied quite effectively through the vector of the corona virus.


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