NATO’s War – IOTW Report

NATO’s War

NATO has been nothing but trouble for Ukraine.

Spiked: For decades, it has been goading Russia into a conflict it never intended to fight.

At the Vilnius summit this week, NATO leaders have been telling anyone who will listen that Ukraine’s future lies within NATO. As US president Joe Biden put it to Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky, Ukraine is going to become a NATO member.

But these are hollow words. NATO’s torturous communiqué, published on Tuesday, drowned any promise of membership in a sea of caveats. NATO leaders will ‘extend an invitation’ to Ukraine to join NATO after the war ends. But only if ‘allies agree and conditions are met’; only if they’re satisfied with ‘Ukraine’s progress on interoperability’; and only if Ukraine undertakes ‘democratic and security-sector reforms’. NATO has extended an invitation with one hand and withdrawn it with the other.

‘It seems there is no readiness either to invite Ukraine [in]to NATO or to make it a member of the alliance’, tweeted an angry Zelensky. His reaction is eminently understandable, as his nation fights for its own survival, and looks ahead to how it might secure its borders against the prospect of further Russian aggression in the future.

But Zelensky can hardly have been surprised by NATO’s two-facedness. Ukraine has been engaged in this membership dance with NATO for the best part of three decades. It always follows the same pattern. NATO makes eyes at Ukraine, beckoning it over with the offer of joining. At the same time, it recoils from Ukraine, tying up the possibility of membership in vague conditions. Always watching on is an unfailingly angry Moscow. This week, Russian foreign minister Sergey Lavrov complained furiously about the threat of ‘possible NATO enlargement’ through the incorporation of Ukraine. MORE

21 Comments on NATO’s War

  1. “…‘It seems there is no readiness either to invite Ukraine [in]to NATO or to make it a member of the alliance’, tweeted an angry Zelensky…”

    It sucks to be a pawn in a global chess game, ehh Volod.

  2. …NATO’s first (and so far only) Article 5 war was on behalf of the U.S. against Afghanistan, a part of the world only loosely defined as a “country” that barely had a military, minimal logistics capability, an economy based on drugs and international terrorism, and only older arms technology when it had any at all.

    …how’d THAT work out?

  3. “His (Zelinsky’s) reaction is eminently understandable, as his nation fights for its own survival…”

    …he’s a comedian not a president, its a money laundry not a nation, and the only “Survival” they are fighting for is the survival of his facist control lest he allow all the secrets of the American politicians who created that place in 2014 as an American tax dollar siphon in the FIRST place.

    …of COURSE he’s angry.

    Hitler was probably pretty angry when the Russians were coming for him in Berlin too.

  4. “…The end of the Cold War completely disoriented NATO, depriving it of both purpose and geopolitical boundaries. An alliance established for defensive, anti-Soviet ends was transformed during the 1990s into a vague vehicle for the promotion of Western ‘values’ and interests…”

    And so, in an effort to make itself relevant again, and satisfy the military industrial complex, NATO and American neocons stoked the Russian-Ukranian conflict.

  5. The Russians are fighting on behalf of American people’s interests. We have absolutely nothing to lose and everything to gain by them shutting down The Party’s One Stop Money Laundering and Human Trafficking Shop.

  6. @ General Mop-up! AT 2:55 PM

    Exactly!! NATO is nothing more than a front for The Party’s Praetorian Guards. They serve to protect and preserve the racket.

  7. Would someone please explain to how Ukraine could even be considered to join NATO when it’s not even anywhere near the N. Atlantic? It’s far closer to the Mediterranean Sea thru the Black Sea and Turkey than it is the N. Atlantic. And why should we be involved in another senseless war in Eastern Europe in the first place. Stay the hell out and let them duke it out with the Russians without our interference.

  8. @geoff – “…Would someone please explain to how Ukraine could even be considered to join NATO when it’s not even anywhere near the N. Atlantic?…”


  9. geoff the aardvark AT 5:26 PM
    “Would someone please explain to how Ukraine could even be considered to join NATO when it’s not even anywhere near the N. Atlantic?w

    Words only mean what Democrats SAY they mean.

  10. @ The Current Year AT 6:03 PM

    The longer you hold onto the notion that the Republican establishment is not just as invested in this shift the longer it will go on. There is far more distance between Constitutional conservatives/MAGA and establishment Republicans than there is between Democrats and establishment Republicans. Fact is the latter overlap to a great degree. They work together and are hostile to Constitutional conservatism.

    They work together to steal elections. They conspire against Constitutional conservatives.

  11. JDHasty AT 6:44 PM
    “@ The Current Year AT 6:03 PM

    The longer you hold onto the notion that the Republican establishment is not just as invested in this shift the longer it will go on. ”

    I did not say they weren’t.

    I only said “Words only mean what Democrats SAY they mean.”

    Agreeing with what you say doesn’t make what I say untrue.

    Democrats preach the sermon.

    Republicans say “Amen”.

    Democrats still are the ones defining everything as they please.

    Republicans take their money to agree to the new definition.

  12. this happy horseshit could’ve been over in 6 months. everybody knows it. Russia wants a buffer zone between it & NATO. it needs the 3 Russian provinces of Ukraine (that it already occupies) for that. Zinsky & his kleptography want Crimea (that Russia already annexed it in 2014).
    … but the present US regime wants WAR … & the biggest money laundering scheme in the history of the world to perpetuate it’s rule

    question: what would you, as Russia, do when your enemies, new & old, are annexing & militarizing more & more territory on your western front?
    (only this time Russia doesn’t have USA Lend Lease … it now has China, which will use Russia as long as Russia depletes the West’s power)

  13. @Geoff

    If Ukraine is bizarre, consider the nation of Georgia. Its capitol of Tbilisi is at 45°E longitude. That is one eighth of the circumference of the planet away from the Atlantic Ocean. Go 45 degrees further East and you’re a thousand miles into CHINA, for Mao’s sake. Why would you want to lure it into NATO?

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