Navigator CO2 Ventures cancels carbon-capture pipeline project in US Midwest – IOTW Report

Navigator CO2 Ventures cancels carbon-capture pipeline project in US Midwest


Oct 20 (Reuters) – Navigator CO2 Ventures has canceled its Heartland Greenway pipeline project aimed at capturing 15 million metric tons of carbon dioxide annually from Midwest ethanol plants and storing it permanently underground, the company said on Friday, citing “unpredictable” state regulatory processes.

The cancellation of one of the biggest projects of its kind is a setback to the development of carbon capture and storage (CCS) projects in the U.S., which are a pillar of President Joe Biden’s climate strategy. It is also a blow to the ethanol industry, which sees CCS as key to cutting emissions from producing the fuel. more

15 Comments on Navigator CO2 Ventures cancels carbon-capture pipeline project in US Midwest

  1. It’s weird out here in farm country….The farmers like selling the corn for ethanol. They like getting jobs at the ethanol plant, but they don’t like the fuel produced….I guess they know what they are, they’re just negotiating the price….

  2. I wouldn’t be a bit surprised, had this pipeline actually been built, it would have emitted 400 million metric tons of CO2 to build, and 20 million metric tons annually to operate in order to capture 15 million metric tons per year. Progress!

  3. CO2 capture… just a nuther grand scheme/scam to further squander our money supply while hiding behind a so-called well intentioned “Green” initiative! That’s all Jackass Joe has done. Mr Hate America First!!

  4. Carbon (CO2) Capture? As in……planting trees?
    So simple an idea, but TPTB don’t make any Gooberment Grant Money off of it.

    Like Ivermectin vs Big Pharma.

  5. I own property that is within a proposed Summit CO2 underground injection site, not that you hear about that dirty secret in ads promoting how wonderful CO2 is and how useful the ‘product’. I refuse to sign their agreement, which basically allows them to do whatever they want on the surface and pays a ridiculous pittance in return for forever ruining and encumbering my property. However, according to law where I live, if participation reaches a certain threshold, an “order of amalgamation” can be pursued, which allows the project to be constructed across all properties within its boundaries against the landowners’ will, just like any other public utility–even though this is a waste product. We have been continually harassed over the last 30 years by the wind industry, the solar industry, and now this fiasco, and this is the second CO2 injection company to approach/threaten us. I am sick to death of it. I don’t want it, I don’t believe in it, and it will harm the value of my property, which was homesteaded by my great grandparents and hung on to through some very difficult times. My insurer will not give me an answer as to how this will affect my liability insurance–if my property cannot be insured, it cannot be rented and who will buy it. They don’t want to inject the stuff under the ground where THEY live, even though it is all so very safe and wonderful, they want to send it out to the boondocks where nobodies like me live. They write intimidating letters and take advantage of people with their big promises, which if you read the fine print, comes out to $4/acre. The property will be forever encumbered and ruined. We had to run their goons off the property just this weekend for trespassing. Oh and the farmers out here are not “weird”, don’t care to be insulted nor talked down to, and corn is not produced everywhere, including not on my property.

  6. The best solution would be to take the US politicians (with a few exceptions) and all the climate alarmists and put them inside a sealed dome. Soon they will quit giving off both heat and CO2. We will save both the icebergs and our country.


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