Navy banning e-cigarettes from ships and aircraft over exploding battery concerns – IOTW Report

Navy banning e-cigarettes from ships and aircraft over exploding battery concerns

Pilot Online: The Navy is banning electronic cigarettes and vaporizers from its aircraft, ships and submarines after receiving multiple reports of the devices’ batteries exploding, catching fire and injuring sailors, it announced Friday.

The malfunctioning devices have forced at least one aircraft to land, started fires on ships and left sailors with second-degree burns and disfigured faces. The injuries have occurred when the devices were being used, charged or replaced, or when they came into inadvertent contact with metal objects, according to the Navy.


9 Comments on Navy banning e-cigarettes from ships and aircraft over exploding battery concerns

  1. The vaping lamp is out. Do they even allow sailors to smoke on board ships anymore? When I was in the Navy in the 70’s you could smoke in certain areas on board the ship when the smoking lamp was out. And back then once we were in international waters out past the 3 mile limit there was no tax on cigarettes and they were $.16 a pack or $1.60 for a carton of cigs with a limit of purchasing 10 cartons at a time. I never smoked but a lot of other guys did and they chain smoked like there was no tomorrow especially the older CPO’s. And drank coffee like there was no tomorrow as well, every shop had a coffee pot that was always brewing.

  2. I see these scrawny pale cubicle-drone sissy boys in their man buns and skinny jeans, fussing nervously with their stupid pointless e-cigs like so many baby pacifiers.
    Another marker for creeping effeminacy. In thecWar On Men, these guys are early POWs.

    Good for the Navy for banning it.
    Even the name, “vaping”, sounds like something done in the back room of a gay bar.

  3. We would have got our asses kicked big time by a CPO or a 1st Class Petty Officer let alone any commissioned officer big time if anyone had been caught smoking around any of our jets or any where else when the smoking lamp was out. Too much jet fuel, ammunition, lox (liquid oxygen) bottles, and other chemicals etc. were always around and everywhere so that it was just too damn dangerous to be smoking anywhere except maybe in the barracks or living quarters on the ship and never on the mess deck just because.

  4. I had heard a large percentage of e-cigarettes are made in China. Sony paid dearly for lithium batteries for their laptops when they caught fire, over heated or exploded. I’d never buy a lithium battery made in China. I have gone as far as asking my pharmacist if any of their meds are made in China.

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