Navy Destroyer Commander Relieved of Duty After Unbelievable Photo of Backward Rifle Scope – IOTW Report

Navy Destroyer Commander Relieved of Duty After Unbelievable Photo of Backward Rifle Scope

Wait til you see what replaced him.

24 Comments on Navy Destroyer Commander Relieved of Duty After Unbelievable Photo of Backward Rifle Scope

  1. This isn’t even funny anymore. Someone is intentionally destroying our nations ability to defend its self. Find Shawn Ryan’s interview with Kash Patel and watch that. If it doesn’t scare the hell out of you your probably a progressive piece of shit.

  2. “Why has this nation lost the will to survive?”

    I don’t think that’s accurate. We haven’t lost the will to survive. We just have a bunch of Mutha Fxckers trying to kill us. And the country.
    Tyrus said something note worthy a couple nights ago. He said he expects to see wide spread violence in this country right after the election. And the reason being is your average Liberal Progressive has no brakes. They just can’t stop. So eventually we will need to stop them. And that times coming up quick.

  3. This person also didn’t have the entire butt of the rifle fully jammed into the “secure pocket” of his shoulder … which is something you learn on your first day of training with a rifle. Something fishy here. Two huge errors you could only make if you’ve never had any training at all

  4. This is not the US Navy that I served in 50 years ago from 1972-75 anymore. This would’ve been totally unthinkable back then, now it seems like it has become common place with an emasculated Navy who values freaks over those who are normal sailors. I want the old Navy back and not this freak show. No thanks to slick willie, obummer and joey who have destroyed the Navy with their progressive left wing DEI bullshit.

  5. “Yaste was removed from his position on Friday and faces a demotion to Naval Officer, according to Newsweek.”

    “demotion to Naval Officer”?

    That’s what he IS, dumb fookers.


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