Navy drops diploma requirement amid recruiting crisis – IOTW Report

Navy drops diploma requirement amid recruiting crisis

Amid its recruiting crisis, the U.S. Navy has dropped its requirement that recruits have a high school diploma or GED.

27 Comments on Navy drops diploma requirement amid recruiting crisis

  1. I’m not at all surprised. Plus, it’s not as though you can count on a high school grad to be educated, or even not to be stupid. All those with any smarts at all will (and should) turn their backs on today’s woke military.

  2. There were a lot of stupid uneducated men both black and white who shouldn’t have been allowed into the military during the Vietnam War but were there only because of the draft. If I was a young man of 19 again, I wouldn’t voluntarily enlist in the military under joey’s administration and if I was forced to be drafted, I just might declare myself to be a conscientious objector. Don’t get me wrong, I’m proud of my service in the Navy in the 70’s, but there is no way in hell I would enlist now in a politically correct, emasculated, dumbed down military.

  3. The Xiden “Migrant” Military Forces recruits don’t need no stinking High School diplomas.
    The illegal hordes of military age men running the border are here to replace Americans in the military. Yes, all part of the “plan”.

  4. When my son turned 18 and was finished High School I all but demanded he enlist in the branch of his choice, Just like MY Dad (RIP) did with me. My son did and gave four years to The Coast Guard. I was and still am proud of him. If the years were reversed, in this dy and age I’d prefer he NOT serve in the military. Sad but true,

  5. As long as you’re a queer, a tranny, a nonbinary, a black, Hispanic, and/or any combination there’s, why bother with that silly education?
    When I was in the USAF (active and reserve), all officers had to have a four year degree. I even knew E9s with masters degrees.

  6. Well that’s one way to get rid of illiteracy in our society! Send the stupid to war! If ya can’t kill’em with the jab, send them to war, that’ll do it! Biden ain’t so dumb…… 🙂

  7. Geoff,
    Yup, prior to the mid-70s that was common. I know a few as well.
    By the time the draft ended the military was denying drop outs and started looking for more people that could be educated .

  8. I just got back from a speech from the new president of Charleston Southern University, which is a Christian school. They are equipping students with a classical liberal arts curriculum that really does prepare them in the right way. There are still some places that are doing it right.

  9. I can see it now, ebonics for dummies, queers and other assorted freaks geared down to the lowest common denominator so even the most ignoid can understand. Whoopie, dumbed down cannon fodder and they’re all gonna die for ol’ retarded unca joey and the creep state.

  10. What the headline should say:

    “Demented Asshole drops diploma requirements to drag standards down to his personal level of SUCK to creat chaos and discontent!”

    Never let a good crisis go to waste.
    Don’t have a good crisis?
    Make one!
    ~Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals~
    “A good organizer must stir up dissatisfaction and discontent.’’

  11. The new military requirement to get in the Army or Navy is to have a Master Mason Degree from the black Prince Hall Mason organization. Sorry white people, your not eligible for Prince Hall.

  12. True story: My platoon sergeant was President of the Outlaws in Ohio and was a convicted felon. The judge offered him a choice-75th Rangers or prison. This dude had 2 Silver Stars, 3 Bronze Stars and 2 Purple Hearts from Vietnam.

  13. When I was in high school and a boy got into miner trouble on a regular basis, meaning they didn’t commit murder often time the judge gave them a choice , jail or the army. That was the days when kids actually learned how to read and write and could finish their education while they served.

  14. Our youngest has officially dropped from the Corps of Cadets at A&M. Several different reasons contributing to her decision but one that definitely did not help was to allow a 6 foot 2 Trans (male to female still in possession of a penis) to have full access to the women’s showers in her dorm. We’re pretty sure they’re not including that in the alumni fundraising letters to all the graduated Cadets.


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