Navy engineer, wife accused of trying to sell nuclear submarine secrets hidden inside a peanut butter sammich – IOTW Report

Navy engineer, wife accused of trying to sell nuclear submarine secrets hidden inside a peanut butter sammich

When they get to prison, maybe someone will bake them a cake with a file in it.


Smooth move โ€” or was it chunky?

A turncoat Navy engineer was bagged by the feds for trying to pass along US nuclear secrets โ€” inside half a peanut butter sandwich, court documents allege.

The 42-year-old Maryland suspect found himself in a jam when it turned out the foreign operative he thought he was dealing with was actually an FBI agent, according to a federal criminal complaint unsealed Sunday.

The feds say Jonathan Toebbe of Annapolis stashed secrets about the countryโ€™s Virginia-class nuclear-powered attack submarines on a blue, plastic-coated SD memory card โ€” then sandwiched the tiny device between two slabs of bread slathered with peanut butter. more here

20 Comments on Navy engineer, wife accused of trying to sell nuclear submarine secrets hidden inside a peanut butter sammich

  1. This is as old as wars on Earth. If you can’t defeat your enemy on the battlefield, corrupt him with his own weakness, whatever it is. In modern times, China is the master of it.

  2. Since the info didnโ€™t get to an actual foreign power, I suggest they get a light sentence like LWOP. Had it gotten to another country then a firing squad with nearsighted shooters

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