Navy F-35C Surfaces Wearing New Mirror-Like Skin – IOTW Report

Navy F-35C Surfaces Wearing New Mirror-Like Skin

Eh. I dunno. Kinda reminds me of a Christian Louboutin Handbag (Also very expensive).

The ‘chrome’ F-35C recently arrived at Point Mugu in California, which is hosting other specialized test aircraft for a major exercise. Go see.

29 Comments on Navy F-35C Surfaces Wearing New Mirror-Like Skin

  1. Bottom line: the F35 program is going to cost TRILLIONS of dollars and by the time all the bugs are out of it, the bad guys will have figured out how to track it. Question: how much money paid for this boondoggle is making its way back to Pelosi, Biden, McConnenll and the rest of them?

  2. My Biz is certified to machine air frame parts for F35\’s. Most people don\’t realize that the F35\’s were built to work in conjunction with F22\’s. F22\’s playing the part of command and control. F35\’s the little worker bee\’s. I believe, from my exposure, or over exposure, F35\’s are an intermediate step in between piloted aircraft and antonymous aircraft.
    Is the F-35 a good air frame. Peeps on the program love it. F-35 Pilots rave about it. We\’re selling it to everyone and their brother. The Swiss just purchased a Bazillion dollar worth. We\’re selling them all the time to NATO pals. It has become the NATO fighter of choice. Is it a good air frame? It ain\’t no P-51.

  3. Oh, that shiny skin is an experimental radar absorbing skin developed by some one that doesn’t normally get involved in that shit. I can’t remember but it was some one like Monsanto. Weird. Hope they get rich off of it.

  4. Why do I get the feeling that whatever high-tech George Jetson gizmos we\’re working on, the Chinese got it first and have already worked out a countermeasure?

    Hope I\’m wrong.

  5. Rich Taylor
    Were you required to do a CAPTCHA type thing? I was. First time that’s ever happened. I’m feeling sorry for FUR and Co. trying to run a biz and fighting this bull shit.

  6. Yes, 2 days in a row. Although this beats getting a “comment awaiting moderation” reply, had that all last week.

    This is where I wish I knew one of those 14-year-old computer whiz kids, I’d pay him a couple hundred bucks to upload a virus on every one of those spammer assholes.

  7. Geoff C. The Saltine

    Hey buddy. Nobody mentions Tin Foil Hat Wearers are currently batting 1000. Tin Foil Hat=common sense. A logical thought process. Even though that is no longer stylish.

  8. @ Tony R – louder than a B-52? When I was stationed at Robins AFB there was a Bomb Wing there, during the Cold war when the nuclear triad was operating. When the wind was blowing the wrong way the B-52s would take off right over the barracks, the windows would damn near rattle right out of the frames. No noise abatement on military jets!

  9. Rats! I was sincerely hoping that with it’s “mirror-like finish” I would see a reflection of the ground, the clouds, the mountains, buildings, and whatever else was around the craft when the photo was taken.

  10. Ah yes… The F-35… the fighter so unbelievably expensive and high tech that we can’t afford to risk using it for anything other than bombing unprotected targets; otherwise, we’d lose the technology to the Chinese who probably already stole it years ago from some democrat piece of shit in Congress or the DoD.

  11. GTA, beat me by a month cept I chose AF because Hilton had lodging contract. Japanese Policemen, with experience cramming people into trains, had the Navy lodging contract, and the Marines were still repairing tents the Army threw away in Korea. Served 35 years and did not want to go. F-35s fly final about half a mile north. Have never seen one. Neighbor has the best method for keeping F-35s stealthy: His frickin trees!

  12. Having been around A-6’s when they took off from the flight deck of the USS Kitty Hawk those darn planes are definitely loud. But B-52’s still have them beat for being loud, back when Fairchild AFB was about 20 miles West of Spokane, and it was a SAC base up until the 80’s and early 90’s the B-52’s flew directly over my house in NW Spokane on their flight path to Fairchild and damn those BUFF’s were extremely loud. My wife and I could always tell when the B-52’s flew over just by their loud noise.

  13. I said “the loudest I ever heard”, not “the loudest ever”. The only B52 I ever saw fly by, was while Inwas hunting in Eastern Oregon 20+ years ago. He was doing low-level training. VERY low level. The only part I saw was the (unmistakable) vertical stabilizer; everything else was hidden by a low ridge. By the time I got to the ridge he was long gone. And I didn’t hear anything.

    The F35 was at the airshow at Nellis AFB. They had demo takeoffs and flybys by F15s, F16s, F18 (navy got in there somehow), and F22s. But the loudest by far was the F35.

  14. geoff the aardvark
    I too was on the flight deck of the USS Kitty Hawk. While in the cat walks waiting in my aircraft to taxi up to the catapults, an A6 would throttle up for launch. My sinuses would ache as well as my teeth. They were worse than any aircraft on board.

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