Navy SEAL accused of war crimes reunites with family, ‘extremely happy’ to be out of brig, California rep says – IOTW Report

Navy SEAL accused of war crimes reunites with family, ‘extremely happy’ to be out of brig, California rep says

FOX: The decorated U.S. Navy SEAL facing a war crimes trial is “extremely happy to be out” of the brig he was being held in since September, a California House Republican says, and the SEAL’s family has been posting pictures of the first time they were allowed to see him in months.

Rep. Duncan Hunter’s comments on the Brian Kilmeade Show this week come days after President Trump announced that Eddie Gallagher would be moved to “less restrictive confinement” ahead of the SEAL’s May 28 court date. Gallagher is accused of killing an injured ISIS prisoner of war in Iraq, amongst other charges, and was relocated this weekend from the brig at U.S. Marine Corps Air Station Miramar to a Naval facility in the San Diego-area.

“When I saw him he was kind of out of it. Imagine being in a jail, being treated pretty harshly with a bunch of bad people, sex offender-type people and now you are out,” Hunter said on Fox News Radio. “He was just extremely happy to be out.”

Hunter told Kilmeade that Gallagher had been allowed to see his family, go to a Denny’s restaurant on the base and even hit golf balls at its driving range.

But Gallagher’s family has accused staff at the Miramar brig of treating him improperly while he was there. Last month, 18 House Republicans wrote in a letter to the Secretary of the Navy that they have “received reports that Chief Gallagher’s access to counsel and access to food and medical care may have been restricted.”

Hunter, in his interview this week, warned the Navy that he is keeping a close watch on what is happening to Gallagher at his current location – and will report his findings to Trump and the American public.

“We have guys going to see Eddie almost every other day in San Diego,” he said. “So we are detailing what they are doing to him…but we got him out of the brig.”  MORE HERE


h/t Patriot Network.

8 Comments on Navy SEAL accused of war crimes reunites with family, ‘extremely happy’ to be out of brig, California rep says

  1. Idiots punished PATTON for slapping a soldier and the Nazis thought it was propaganda because no one would be stupid enough to remove America’s greatest field commander over such a thing.

    Looks like not much has changed. . .

  2. The Iraq war was started by the USA based on lies. Americans were lied to by US leaders who knew they were liars. Those responsible are the ones who are really guilty of war crimes. Even the military commanders knew, but still obeyed the criminal orders. The military personnel in the ranks probably didn’t know the truth, but fought, got maimed, and died for the lies that got them into Iraq to destroy the country and the people. In reality American soldiers have become mercenaries who have no qualms about killing. Especially hard-core trained SEALS. That is the ultimate goal of their training for commando ops.

    Crime and No Punishment for the Iraq War
    Apr 6, 2018 PETER SINGER
    “Few Americans will take seriously the assertion that President George W. Bush and other members of his administration – including Vice President Dick Cheney, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, and John Bolton, recently appointed by President Donald Trump as his next National Security Adviser – are war criminals. ”

    Gen. Patton was assassinated to shut him up from exposing the political/military crimes being committed behind America’s back.

  3. I have, and have had fo 58 years, many “Froggy/SEAL” friends. From Cliff(killed by Chinese 2 months prior to USSR killing JFK) to 5 recent SEALS, 1 still in uniform. ALL good, smart, valiant men! EVERY “Froggy” I met is/was a GOOD MAN!

    Good if you are American!

  4. Thanks BB for the link. I just bought a tee for myself. I have a son who is a Marine, in a weapons co. I can’t imagine the horror of having him being put through this after he committed himself to serving. Truly unbelievable


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