Navy SEAL Eddie Gallagher Praises Trump for Allowing Him To Retire with Honor – IOTW Report

Navy SEAL Eddie Gallagher Praises Trump for Allowing Him To Retire with Honor

Western Journal:

Navy SEAL Eddie Gallagher thanked President Donald Trump for once again intervening on his behalf and preventing the Navy from taking his Trident pin, saying the commander in chief is a “true leader.”

The Trident is a gold pin awarded to Navy service members who have successfully completed SEAL training and are certified as special operators.

Gallagher responded to the news that Trump has ordered that he be allowed to retire at the end of the month without losing his Trident.

“President Donald Trump, you have my deepest gratitude and thanks,” Gallagher said in a statement to the Washington Examiner for a story published Sunday. “You stepped in numerous times and showed true moral fiber by correcting all the wrongs that were being done to me.”

“You are a true leader and exactly what the military and this nation needs,” he added. “God bless you and your family.” read more

28 Comments on Navy SEAL Eddie Gallagher Praises Trump for Allowing Him To Retire with Honor

  1. As I said here months ago; CPO Eddie was done in by GWB’s boy Adm Bill McR. Subsequent events have proved my “wild accusation” to have been A FACT!

    Chief Eddies crime was he was not a Bush backer!

  2. Look for Eddie Gallagher on the campaign trail/rallies in the near future.

    Rasmussen poll had black Trump supporters at THIRTY FIVE percent! Between the military, blacks, us white nationalists and everyone else fleeing the progs, Trump will win not only EC but popular vote as well.

    If they had a melt down in 2016, 2020 should put them in the grave.

  3. When you train a guy for a couple of years how to kill our enemies, and then send him thousands of miles to kill our enemies, you shouldn’t get the flutters when he kills them.

    Our former policy makers wanted our armed forces to win wars (or “actions”) without harming anyone – and that’s just bullshit. If you don’t want anyone to get hurt, keep em home – disband them.

    Gallagher was the sacrificial goat in some weird cult offering.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. How many pictures are there of soldiers posing with the dead enemy from the Civil War, WWII, WWI, Korea, etc? Should all those soldiers have been dishonorably discharged? Commanders? What a bunch of pussies. They have brought disgrace to the military men who have to do the actual fighting and dying. Rot in hell.

  5. “I salute you chief! President Trump has removed the knife from your back with no complications. Thank you for your valiant service!”

    If Gallagher had only kept his knife where it belonged….he never would have been in this situation.

  6. Its not about politics you fucking potato. its about someone who stabbed a prisoner in custody with a knife, in his fucking neck, in an attempt to kill him.

    there was no legitimate need for it. lets not forget about threatening your subordinates if they report the killing, or posing with the corpse during a re-enlistment ceremony.

    There ares laws for war, every private in the army knows them. This asshole violated them at will and without hesitation.

    He has no right to wear my uniform.

  7. The team medic. Closed his breathing tube to keep him from getting into Iraqi custody where he would be tortured.

    Still doesn’t change the fact the Gallagher stabbed a person in the neck with a knife, someone he has a responsibility to protect at that point.

  8. Sorry, Creep. He’s retiring with honor and was exonerated when someone else admitted they had done what Gallagher was accused of. You can bitch and moan all you want, but this is done. And, like “Deplorable”, I’ll wear the “F’ing Potato” address with smug satisfaction, knowing it was bestowed on me by someone who is demoralized by continually losing and being on the wrong side of every issue. Have a great day! I know I will!

  9. Yo Creep – I don’t care how we kill the enemy, just that we kill them. Islam needs elimination from the earth pal, and we need to take the gloves off.

    At NO time do we have a ‘duty to protect’ the enemy, especially if our OWN POLICE have NO ‘duty to protect’ us here at home.

    Wake up dude. And by the way, we don’t call others names like ‘fucking potato’ here. Find another place to troll.

  10. 50 plus years ago, while in Marine Corps boot camp, I learned the purpose of war is to destroy the enemy or his will to fight.

    Seems to me that all we do these days is just piss them off. Let’s get back to destroying them.

  11. I don’t care if CPO Eddie choked the guy with a prayer rug. Only good terrorist is a dead one. Last I checked, our enemies in this fight were not signatories to the Geneva Convention, so screw ’em. Why should we pull punches?

    As for his retirement, I hear there’s a Secretary of the Navy job recently opened. Eddie sounds like a good fit. It would also cause a rash of incontinence with all the Obama appointed Navy brass.

    A guy can dream, can’t he?

  12. Mark and crew,

    Look into the 5 “S” of POW handling. Might I point you towards…Safeguard

    Here’s a handy power-point presentation to get you all started….

    And for all of you hero’s that don’t care how we kill the enemy, The public does. You remember, the people we all swore an oath to protect and defend.

    They make the rules, those become orders, and you follow them. Otherwise you’re just making the noise of fat old men who did it better “in my day”…

  13. I didn’t swear an oath to protect the people…I swore an oath to “Protect and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic”.

    The Constitution defends the citizens, I defend the Constitution.

    I follow only Constitutional orders and it is my duty NOT to follow un-Constitutional orders. I also retain the right to self-defense at all times for myself and my brothers, regardless of ‘rules of engagement’.

    I am the public, and again, I don’t care how we kill the enemy, only that we do kill them and that we win those wars we choose to engage with overwhelming force and then leave.

    Obviously you don’t recognize a hero when you see one (Chief Gallagher). I couldn’t care less what you think of me personally – we may yet meet on the field and you can test your theory. Contemplate this on the tree of woe.

  14. @YourCreepyUncle, although I am sympathetic with your argument, you should remember the difference between an enemy prisoner of war and an unlawful enemy combatant. The former has Geneva Convention protections, the latter does not, the former is someone who is commanded by a person responsible for subordinates, carries arms openly, and conducts their operations in accordance with the laws and customs of war, the latter are non-state actor terrorist groups (as defined by The Council on Foreign Relations). A subtitle difference but one that must be recognized.

    Having said that, yes, this, “Kill them all and let God sort them out” is silly, we don’t kill captured ISIS or al-Qaeda fighters, otherwise, what’s the point of Gitmo?

    But you went off the rails with the knee jerk impetuous insult, something the left does as naturally as breathing, you should stay away from that.

  15. @Mark November 29, 2019 at 7:40 pm

    > I swore an oath to “Protect and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic”.
    > The Constitution defends the citizens, I defend the Constitution.
    > I follow only Constitutional orders and it is my duty NOT to follow un-Constitutional orders.

    The Constitution talks to you? Really? I was concerned about “red flag” laws. But, now, I see Bloomberg is, and some people just ain’t, right.

  16. Anonymous NOVEMBER 29, 2019 AT 8:02 PM

    The Constitution talks to you?

    You have to be pretty obtuse to interpret “Constitutional orders” so wrongly. Not even a nice try or humorous. Just exposing yourself as low IQ.

  17. The Third Army (in WWII) didn’t take any prisoners who were SS.
    The few in custody tried (unsuccessfully) to escape.

    No one complained – then or now. Simple fact is: some people need killing.

    izlamo delenda est …


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