Navy SEALs want their rifles back – IOTW Report

Navy SEALs want their rifles back

NYP: WASHINGTON — The tip of the spear may be losing its edge.

Navy SEAL teams don’t have enough combat rifles to go around, even as these highly trained forces are relied on more than ever to carry out counterterrorism operations and other secretive missions, according to SEALs who have confided in Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-Calif.).

After SEALs return from a deployment, their rifles are given to other commandos who are shipping out, said Hunter, a former Marine who served three combat tours in Iraq and Afghanistan.  MORE

21 Comments on Navy SEALs want their rifles back

  1. Back in 2007 my son and 99 other members of his home state national guard volunteered for a special security duty tour in Iraq. He literally drove all over the state to find just 100 rifles the local armories would give up.

    When they got to Dix for train up they had 15 fully operational rifles. When they got to Kuwait they were all issued what appeared to be new rifles. . . but were never allowed to test fire, let alone zero them. As a squad leader he also carried a grenade launcher on his rifle. . . but was forbidden ammo for it.

    When he and two of his infantrymen tracked down a mortar firing into their base area from the back of a pick up they literally didn’t know if their weapons would work or not. . .and were told to stand down because they were out of their patrol area.

    The US government started out in the killing people/breaking things mode, when doing so entropy is on their side. Yet they continually cock it up. Now how does anyone expect them to cure people and fix things via healthcare?????

  2. “I am confident that if we put in the hard work we can, as Ronald Reagan did in the 1980s, rebuild our military so it will be so feared by our enemies and trusted by our allies that, God willing, we won’t have to use it,” – Ted Cruz

  3. Reading the article there seems to be sufficient funding. What is killing the acquisition of rifles is the same thing that’s killing job creation. That is a bureaucratic hell ( over regulation ) that slows delivery to the point that when finally delivered the rifles & accessories are not the latest and greatest models.

    The nature of bureaucracies ? Or a bureaucracy created by the Obama admin, either on purpose to weaken our defenses or just the logical result of Obama’s purging of experienced officers and enlisted men over the last 7 years.

  4. I would happily lend my rifle to a SEAL for the duration of their deployment – as long as I had it returned to me with the signature of the operator on the magazine well.

    It would be an honor to know that my personal weapon was used to kill muslim jihadi scum.

    LWRC M6A3 5.56 piston actuated w/ Vortex 1-4×24 optic.

  5. We seem to have plenty of money for expensive, crappy “green” fuel and LGBT celebrations, but not for firearms? Something is very wrong in the USA.

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