Navy warship sidelined because of COVID outbreak among fully immunized crew – IOTW Report

Navy warship sidelined because of COVID outbreak among fully immunized crew

Just The News- The fully immunized crew is only experiencing mild symptoms of COVID-19.
The US 4th Fleet said the Navy ship will remain docked in port at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba,until the outbreak subsides.

11 Comments on Navy warship sidelined because of COVID outbreak among fully immunized crew

  1. Laughing in your face
    DECEMBER 26, 2021 AT 10:55 AM
    “Meanwhie the unvaxxed are dying in droves… Darwin was right”



    Weird that they aren’t all dead then, innit?

  2. @Pvt – one of the most memorable parts for me from Band of Brothers was that Guarnere broke out of the hospital to join his pals for the misery at Bastogne. Then later, another injured soldier returns to the company after Bastogne has ended and they are moving on – and is given the cold shoulder by the weary warriors. He could have done like Guarnere and joined them but he stayed in the hospital. He does redeem himself later, as much as possible.

  3. Omicron is just Covid-Lite anyway. Get over it. No one test’s positive for any other variant. Covid is so yesterday.
    “Always follow the science. The science knows the way.”
    – Der Fauci


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