NBA Finals Game 2 Ratings Crash by 68%, Least Watched Finals Game in History – IOTW Report

NBA Finals Game 2 Ratings Crash by 68%, Least Watched Finals Game in History


Both Game 1 and Game 2 of the NBA Finals between the L.A. Lakers and the Miami Heat have suffered the worst ratings crash in the league’s entire TV broadcast history.

Despite the matchup including two of the league’s biggest stars (LeBron James and Anthony Davis), Game 1 of the Finals on Wednesday was a huge ratings disappointment for the NBA.

Game 1 averaged only a 4.1 rating and 7.41 million viewers on ABC, “comfortably the lowest rated and least-watched NBA Finals game on record (dates back to 1988),” Sports Media Watch reported.

But if the league thought things might improve for Game 2, it had a bitter pill to swallow because the second in the series did even worse than the first.

Game 2 cratered with just 4.5 million viewers and a dismal 1. 9 in the ratings. This embarrassing showing was down 68 percent over Game 2 in 2019.

The 2020 Game 2 event now rates as the lowest ratings ever for an NBA Finals game. Until Friday, Wednesday’s Game 1 was the lowest-rated in league history. So, it seems the Finals keep going down.

This horrific collapse should not be surprising after polls have found that many fans now believe that basketball is far too political. more

30 Comments on NBA Finals Game 2 Ratings Crash by 68%, Least Watched Finals Game in History

  1. …the what?

    …oh, right, ghetto ball.

    Well, it does serve a purpose.

    How do you keep 10 Black felons from raping a White woman?

    Throw them a basketball.

    …other than that, zero fucks given for their racist little game…

  2. And it was Jimmy Buttler’s “historic” performance.

    Jimmy Buttler’s a big jerk. I called him Jimmy Butthead when he played for the hapless Timberwolves.

  3. My hope is that they suffer the same fate as so many businesses in states that shut them down based on senseless reasons and blaming it on the ChinaVirus. See how bankrupting YOUR business feels, pricks.

  4. Claudia
    OCTOBER 5, 2020 AT 4:34 PM

    …Claudia, I’m afraid we’ve been a bad influence on you, truly I’m sorry and I’ll try to clean my own act up to atone…

    …but that doesn’t change the fact that the verboten words ARE the best descriptors of the modern Democrats, nicht wahr?

    …and dancing around it will just make my post even LONGER, so sorry in advance…

  5. Because Lebron is a Fucking Idiot and despite the Sports media & political media, No one really wants to see him or hear from him.

  6. @ Claudia

    Good description. I like it. Conservative have been way too nice for too long and the left misinterprets it as weakness.

    When intelligent people resort to the odd swear word it indicates they are very upset. In my case, I’m just ignorant.

  7. Kcir – (Trudeau, prime minister blackface 3 times)

    …you’re right, but I think it’s nice to not drag sweet Claudia down into the muck over it, she’s a nice lady and shouldn’t have to lower herself for these jerks.

    …way OT, don’t know of you saw the LAST time I posted this, but I tought you might like this since it describes what happens when Trudeau invades the US. Spoiler, the phrase “Two Hours Later” figures prominently (at 0:55)…

  8. I see no mention in the article that Le Bon Bon walked off the court with 90 seconds to go. Fing loser. MJ would have been still trying to figure out how to win that game.

  9. The NBA’s c-h-i-c-k-e-n-s. Are coming home to roost. To paraphrase Rev. Wright quoting Malcolm X.
    (you know, the guy Obama never heard utter a single word over twenty years)

  10. Keep running your mouths, ladies. Keep proving that you are merely entertainers. Watch those contacts get smaller and smaller as the owners lose money and the leagues start dissolving franchises. We don’t care. I hope you paid attention during some of your classes for your next resume as a fast food manager.

  11. While I hope that this brings these self-centered, pompous assholes down a few pegs the ones that I feel sorry for aren’t the owners or the players/coaches but rather the people that depend on the NBA. These are the people that work at the concessions for food, beer and souvenirs, the cleaners, ticket takers, ushers, poster makers and any number of others that work like hell compared to these ball dribbling jerkoffs.
    I think the best would be the player/coachs salaries just crash and the owners actually try to appeal to their audience instead of lecturing them (players guilty of that as well) and the supporting people keep their jobs.


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