NBA may pull BLM messages next season due to ratings tanking – IOTW Report

NBA may pull BLM messages next season due to ratings tanking

TrulyTimes: NBA Commissioner Adam Silver announced Tuesday that when the league returns to play next season, Black Lives Matter messages will likely not be displayed on the court or on players’ jerseys as they have been this season.

Silver made the remarks during an interview with ESPN’s Rachel Nichols ahead of Game 4 of the NBA Finals in Florida. During the interview, he said that despite the league being “completely committed to standing for social justice and racial equality,” how exactly that commitment is manifested is “something we’re gonna have to sit down with the players and discuss.”

“I would say, in terms of the messages you see on the court and our jerseys, this was an extraordinary moment in time when we began these discussions with the players and what we all lived through this summer,” Silver continued. “My sense is there’ll be somewhat a return to normalcy — that those messages will largely be left to be delivered off the floor.” more

21 Comments on NBA may pull BLM messages next season due to ratings tanking

  1. Short of LeBron, Chris Paul, and other overpaid little shit weasels publicly apologizing- I don’t see myself watching any NBA games.

    The only team I was watching, the rockets, got rid of Mike Dantoni, and Westbrook probably isn’t gonna return… James Harden is overrated.
    And Steve Nash is coaching an east coast team… so I have no urge to watch at all.

  2. 2 years is what I give Pro-Sports before they start laying off players for lack of Ticket and Merchandise sells! And I don’t care when of if they decided to drop their Fascist Propaganda.. Sports in general can go to hell!

  3. The meeting with the players should be short & direct presentation of a list of limited options:

    Cut the BLM BS, or cut your pay. Your choice.

    You might be facing a preview of the second option because it may already be required to cut you pay. Due to the damage you inflicted this season. Choose carefully.


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