NBC Airs Two-Part Series on Corrupt Family Courts Putting Kids in Danger – IOTW Report

NBC Airs Two-Part Series on Corrupt Family Courts Putting Kids in Danger

Is the media silence on family court corruption finally ending? Not in St. Louis, where local media is completely silent about the ongoing scandal in its 21st Judicial Circuit Court. But on a national level, the dam may be leaking. On Thursday, NBC aired part one of its investigation into family court judges who order children into the hands of abusers who then murder them. Part two is scheduled to air tonight.

In the five-minute segment, NBC highlights the tragic story of Kathy Sherlock’s daughter Kayden, who was beaten to death by her abusive father, even after Sherlock begged the court not to allow him to have unsupervised visits. The judge in the case, whom NBC did not name for unknown reasons, was never disciplined for his role in this child’s death by the oversight board in Pennsylvania. As PJ Media’s investigation has uncovered, the oversight boards that are charged with disciplining judges are full of Bar members who have no intention of holding other Bar members to account. In most cases, these boards don’t even respond to complaints. A complaint that I submitted to Missouri’s accountability board over a month ago for being kept out of open courtrooms has returned nothing but silence. more here

7 Comments on NBC Airs Two-Part Series on Corrupt Family Courts Putting Kids in Danger

  1. Family courts in general are terrible.
    Men are automatically guilty.
    The judges don’t read or know the cases.
    Judges are lazy as a rule.
    It’s just a mess.

  2. Yes, our daughter is enduring something similar. Our grandson’s father is an alcoholic and drug addict, just had his 12th sanction in drug court, but she HAS to let him pick her son up and drive him off for visitation. (Why does he still have a driver’s license you ask? 🤷🏻‍♀️) He’s $20,000 behind in child support and medical expenses, but the court says our grandson NEEDS his father. What a sick joke.


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