NBC Bay Area news crew held up at gunpoint during interview about Oakland crime – IOTW Report

NBC Bay Area news crew held up at gunpoint during interview about Oakland crime

SFG: Midway through NBC Bay Area’s interview with Oakland’s head of violence prevention, Guillermo Cespedes, two robbers interrupted, holding up the crew and Cespedes. A “scuffle” took place, an Oakland police spokesperson told SFGATE, before a security officer with the news crew pulled out his own firearm and commanded the robbers to leave.

The incident took place Monday afternoon, shortly after Oakland Police Chief LeRonne Armstrong decried a city budget that reallocated an extra $18 million away from police out of a proposed police budget of $674 million. Those funds will be put into the city’s Department of Violence Prevention, helmed by Cespedes, who joined the department in 2020.

The department was formed in 2017 with a focus on “community-led intervention strategies” for violent crime prevention. The $18 million allocation was proposed by Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf, reported the East Bay Times.


7 Comments on NBC Bay Area news crew held up at gunpoint during interview about Oakland crime

  1. “A “scuffle” took place, an Oakland police spokesperson told SFGATE, before a security officer with the news crew pulled out his own firearm and commanded the robbers to leave.”

    …don’t know CA law, but in OH you can’t pull a weapon unless you actually shoot someone with it as the prosecution will say you weren’t in fear for your life if you don’t shoot the aggressor.

    The nicest thing you’ll be charged with is brandishing, and they WILL take your gun.

    …but it’s a liberal politician’s private security defending him against the results of his own stupid laws, so I’m quite sure he’ll get a pass.

    Nice hypocrisy they’ve got there.

  2. What the hey, why didn’t they just call the crime prevention unit? They didn’t need a gun, guns are evil, or so I’m told.
    Bad guys with guns love them gun laws, way less chance of being ventilated.


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