NBC: Donald Trump Likely To End Obama’s DACA Amnesty – IOTW Report

NBC: Donald Trump Likely To End Obama’s DACA Amnesty


NBC News is reporting that President Donald Trump is likely to shut down former President Barack Obama’s legally untenable ‘DACA amnesty for 800,000 illegals.

The news comes as Democratic politicians intensify their opposition to immigration reforms intended to benefit Americans, such as Trump’s popular wage-boosting RAISE Act and his promised border wall. NBC reported:

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10 Comments on NBC: Donald Trump Likely To End Obama’s DACA Amnesty

  1. Why is it the border jumpers never let out a peep about their rights while in their own country yet come here and constantly demonstrate and protest with demands for public largesse. When personally interviewed, they proclaim their love for this country yet when gathered in crowds they’re dripping with contempt. {rhetorical question.}

  2. Oh My, How Dare Trump Do Something to Benefit Americans …Asshole !
    I’m Starting to Believe Lib’s Would See a Hungry White Family On The Street, Drive Straight Home and Donate Money To Feed Africans !!!
    Sally Struthers Disease !

  3. Per “reporting” from NBC, MSM et al, one must question the accuracy, political temperature testing, etc., however, one thing is certain, this is simply the siren call to the open border activist groups:

    Due to recent events in Charlottesville & competing interests… your tepid activism requires ACTION!

    Now hit the streets and RIOT RIOT RIOT, lest you be remanded to the historical ash heap as the sole “oppressed victim” that failed to tug on the last thread holding this Republic together!

  4. TO PageOTurner

    Too much disinformation out there these days.
    Time to just hope for the best…in spite of the static.
    No way of telling how things will roll out;
    DC politics is too convoluted to pretend to have a crystal ball at times.

  5. Bannon and Gorka being forced out are clear defeats for the MAGA agenda. No way to spin that other than as a Victory for the Uniparty Deep State.

    Trump is getting disastrously bad legal advice from sources that clearly want him to fail and be removed.
    And he’s been completely abandoned by his AG, the single most important official in the MAGA effort. Sessions is either a Deep State saboteur, or views the AG position as some “crowning Honor to a distinguished career” to retire on. Sessions might have preferred Jeb and would have been just fine with President Hilary.
    I expect Kellyanne to be the next one forced out.
    I support PDT 1,000%, but these MAGA loyalists being forced out are very negative developments. Gorka’s resignation letter spells out what he sees happening.

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