NBC News Calls Rifle Target Company ‘Bomb Makers’, Gets Sued – IOTW Report

NBC News Calls Rifle Target Company ‘Bomb Makers’, Gets Sued

Bearing Arms:

NBC News and a local affiliate have being slapped with a libel and slander lawsuit for March, 23, 2015 report that aired on Today (also known as The Today Show) entitled, “Bombs for Sale? Popular Stores Sell ‘Dangerous Explosives.’”

Attorneys representing Tannerite Sports filed suit against NBC Universal News Group (NBCU) and Lexington, KY-based WLEX Communications for libel and slander for allegedly defamatory print and video reports from NBC News national investigative correspondent Jeff Rossen.

The video segment on Today ran in conjunction with an equally inflammatory print story on the Today web site with the headline, Bombs for sale: Targets containing dangerous explosive being sold legally. WLEX ran a version of the Today article that also allegedly claimed that it is illegal under federal law to mix the two component parts of Tannerite, which is factually false.



16 Comments on NBC News Calls Rifle Target Company ‘Bomb Makers’, Gets Sued

  1. On the other hand, NBC’s Supreme Leader, Barack HUSSEIN!!!!! Obama, is helping the psychotic islamic regime of Iran get an ACTUAL NUCLEAR BOMB to annihilate Israel right out in the open and it’s of no concern to the imbeciles on the Today Show.

  2. Progressive Liberals play the martyr game sooo badly….shoot themselves in both feet and then blame the person two blocks down for the violence…..time to wipe these progtards out of existence with truths, with lawsuits, with fines, and prison time.

  3. Man, I hope they go all the way with this one. Discovery would be a blast with them forcing NBC, MSNBC and any subsidiaries they control that they have a history of filing incorrect and damaging stories and of having people in positions of authority who condone and even participate in this pattern of behaviour (Williams for example). If, and this is a big if, they get a honest and competent judge and a fair minded, intelligent jury they could just hammer NBC in bot actual and punitive damages as well as getting public, aired in primetime apologies.

  4. NBC also edited the 911 tapes in the Zimmerman/Martin case to make Zimmerman appear “racist.”
    Jack Cashill “If I had a Son.” p. 93.

    I think George Zimmerman is suing them. I wish Tanner and Zimmerman success. If NBC folded I would not miss it. I wonder how their stockholders feel?

  5. i just bought some more Tannerite. I have plenty, buttt that stuff is fun and I want to help their bottom line.

    i hope they win and fuck NBC up/over real good. It is time for liars to get their ass handed to themselves.

  6. The asshole, Jeff Rossen, who claims to be an investigative reporter, fabricated the story and now claims that he was on meds and in agony when he filed the BS.

    Jeff Rossen belongs in a mental ward. NBC should have its own special ward in the nut house.

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