Watch MEP Destroy Entire Covid Policy in 5 Minutes: ‘Time For Very Unpleasant Questions’ – IOTW Report

Watch MEP Destroy Entire Covid Policy in 5 Minutes: ‘Time For Very Unpleasant Questions’


“Covid ‘vaccines’ caused 20 times as many serious side effects and 23 times as many deaths as all other vaccines in the past 20 years combined.”

This week MEP Christine Anderson (AfD) gave her first speech before the European Union’s new “COVID-19 inquiry committee”. The German MEP condemned the EU’s Covid policies and demanded an investigation into the clear human rights violations under the pretext of combatting a virus.

Anderson railed against the “false claims regarding the safety of the vaccines, their alleged definitive approval, and so-called effectiveness.” The MEP pointed out that the European Medicines Agency (EMA) database shows that in seven months, the Covid “vaccines” caused 20 times as many serious side effects and 23 times as many deaths as all other vaccines in the past 20 years combined.

“Why isn’t that being investigated,” questioned the MEP. She explained that the government’s Covid policies had nothing to do with public health. Instead, it seems it has been “a money-making exercise for the pharmaceutical industry.” more

15 Comments on Watch MEP Destroy Entire Covid Policy in 5 Minutes: ‘Time For Very Unpleasant Questions’

  1. ‘Time For Very Unpleasant Questions’

    …The ONLY question that should be on the table for these Fascist control freaks should be “would you like a blindfold”.

  2. Reliable credible verified sources report that the entire covid thing and vaxx-boosters is to exterminate all minorities. Biden, Fauci, globalists, and darkpweb democrats and their sinister accomplices think that anyone else dying or being maimed outside of this group are nothing more than “collateral damage”.

  3. Predictably she’s now the designated Parliament kook.
    Note the twit sitting next to her all masked up, although she does appear fidgety and nervous at times.

  4. I saw a Lowe’s commercial on TV last night, and everybody in it was masked up. And there were a lot of people. It was like Dr. Seuss: One mask, two masks, red mask, blue mask…It seemed like the whole point was to show happy people in colorful, festive masks, instead of selling product.

    At first, I thought they were just re-running a two year old ad, but then I couldn’t recall seeing anything like this, even at the height of covid hysteria. It was very unsettling. Now I’m wondering what Lowe’s might know about upcoming events. They’re not done with us yet. Not by a long shot.

  5. The coming deceptions and manifest evil will literally take your breath away. Satan’s plan is to destroy God’s creation and His people so they have no hope or chance to spend eternity in Heaven.

    Seek out His Son, reconcile with Him, and know that He has died so that all may have eternal life.

  6. Let’s connect the dots. We know that Gates is behind these jabs. He owns big chunks of stock in the pharmaceuticals. Anyone still promoting hype, and promoting the jab to this day, is behind the disease and the jab. These leaders only care about one thing – follow the money.

    Bill Gates Warns: ‘We’ve Not Seen the Worst of Covid’
    By Cristina Laila
    Published May 1, 2022 at 4:30pm

    What does this guy know?

    Microsoft billionaire Bill Gates says the world has not seen the worst of Covid yet.

    “We’re still at risk of this pandemic generating a variant that would be even more transmissive and even more fatal,” Gates told the Financial Times. “It’s not likely, I don’t want to be a voice of doom and gloom, but it’s way above a 5 per cent risk that this pandemic, we haven’t even seen the worst of it.”

  7. Please wake me when someone is actually charged or goes to jail.
    “Privileges that government may or may not grant.”
    Germany has “Network Enforcement Act, commonly known as NetzDG, on June 30, 2017, and it took full effect on January 1, 2018.”
    Which would predate the Plandemic by 2 years.
    So what are the chances we will defeat ‘Disinformation Governance Board’?

  8. “Network Enforcement Act, commonly known as NetzDG”

    Great, now we have Netzis to thank Germany for.

    Never underestimate Germany for it’s genocidal desires.


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