NBC source says Trump may pick Romney as Secretary of State – IOTW Report

NBC source says Trump may pick Romney as Secretary of State

CNBC: Former Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney will meet with Donald Trump this weekend to discuss the secretary of state position, a source close to the president-elect with direct knowledge of his thinking told NBC News.

In March, the former Massachusetts governor called Trump “a phony” and “a fraud” when discussing the then-candidate. Trump, who endorsed Romney in 2012, has called him a loser, adding that Romney begged for his endorsement and “would’ve dropped to his knees” for it. He has also said that he “choked like a dog” during his 2012 presidential campaign against President Barack Obama.

During the primaries, Romney campaigned with Ohio Gov. John Kasich in the Buckeye State. Last week after the election, however, Romney called Trump to congratulate him on his surprise win.

Others reportedly under consideration for the secretary of state position include former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani and South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley. Another possibility is Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Bob Corker, who told CNBC on Wednesday he’s “in the mix” for the job.   read more

36 Comments on NBC source says Trump may pick Romney as Secretary of State

  1. He’ll snag Romney and hold onto him till he’s no longer satisfactory. I’ve never seen Trumps’ TV shows nor read his books. But according to wisdom he’ll use Romney to his fullest effects and then drop him for someone who can be more advantageous if that’s the case. I mean Jesus Christ, we’re talking Donald Trump here, not Jerry Brown.

  2. Hahaha. Yeah. I’m sure someone in The Donald’s inner circle picked up the phone and called NBC to give them the lowdown.

    What a bunch of bullshit.

    It’s not even beyond the realm of possibility that Trump is just trolling them so they will look stupid when he inevitably picks someone else. Hell, he might be trolling them and Romney. Wouldn’t surprise me.

  3. Don’t know what to think. Never met Mitt. Trump’s been hugely successful by surrounding himself with high achievers. Mitt has achieved more on his own than all of Ocommie’s incompetent, treasonous staff combined. Following Secretariat and Hildabeast? Mitt’s gonna look pretty good in no time.

  4. I’m skeptical about certain names being bandied about. Most recent Flynn and hinky Turkey/Dutch/lobbying connection.

    Romney, I have one theory: could it be Trump and the traitors have an agreement, whereas for public unity and good of the party, Trump takes a meeting with Romney et al. Romney kisses the ring but no appointment – it’s a win-win.
    Trump pays favor to Preibus/RNC/unity going forward; Romney saves face vs public admonishment (Trump kicks him to the escalator with a warning and keeps his coat).

    No one was nastier than Mitt in his attempt to destroy Trump. Nope, not only is he untrustworthy, he’s undeserving.

  5. “a source close to the president-elect with direct knowledge of his thinking told NBC News.”

    Which is as good as saying, My cousin’s best friend’s hairdresser who lives 3 towns over head the whole thing and then she told my cousin’s best friend. No wait. She told her best friend, after she told her mom n’em. THEN she had told her best friend not to tell my cousin because she think she stole something from her house. I don’t know. I ain’t in that drama. But I’m gonna have to keep an eye on my cousin from now on because I like keeping my shit. So anyway, my cousin told me yesterday Romney is probably maybe gonna be secretary of state and shit.

  6. If the goal is to succeed in internal GOP beltway politics, then Mitt is a good choice. If your goal is to have an SoS with brains and balls, then I’m not so sure. Mitt is one of those classic executive MBA types who will be happy to sit down and broker a negotiation between good and evil and come up with a shit bargain that makes nobody happy and helps evil win in the long run.

  7. I had a customer once that had a QA guy totally in bed with my competition. Tried to reject every damn machined part I delivered, which required me to haul my ass down to their facility and prove to the quality manager the parts where right. Which they always were. So one time I tell the asshole ” Good quality people are hard to find, we’re runing adds now”. His reply, “well how much are you guys paying?” I tell him 65k a year. This ass hat was lucky if he was making 20k year. I hired him. Fired him 4 weeks later. Never had a problem with that customer from then on.
    I was pissed. So is DJT.

  8. Most of this speculation is based on who rides to the top on an elevator in the TT.
    Romney may been asked up to question if he wanted a blindfold and last cigarette.

  9. I think a very large game is afoot.
    Remember Trump is a TV Master.
    Romney will be ‘placed’ where he can help out the admin. if at all.
    This might just be a red herring, to stir up the nattering class.

  10. I love how President Trump is making all these political whores come to Trump Tower.
    It totally lets these assholes know where they stand … while waiting in line.

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