NBC Sports Implies Carolina Coach’s Job Security Could Hinge On Hiring Kaepernick – IOTW Report

NBC Sports Implies Carolina Coach’s Job Security Could Hinge On Hiring Kaepernick


Kaepernick mania is beginning again. It’s that time of year when NFL quarterbacks get injured, or retire as Indianapolis Colts quarterback Andrew Luck did Saturday night, and sports media are convinced that the notorious Colin Kaepernick is the ticket to the Super Bowl for the team that signs him. Or, as NBC Sports’s Mike Florio implied, Kaepernick could potentially save the job of Carolina Panthers’ head coach Ron Rivera. more here

18 Comments on NBC Sports Implies Carolina Coach’s Job Security Could Hinge On Hiring Kaepernick

  1. Yet another thing the media hasn’t been successful at, bullying any NFL team to take Kaepernick. Now that Trump has actually saved the NFL from their own destructive behavior why in the world would anyone want a professional agitator back front and center just when viewership is returning. A guy that hasn’t played in years is the ticket to a Super Bowl. Uh-huh. More like a ticket to them gleefully trashing America for another season.

  2. latest report says people 39 and under don’t have our same values. Support gays, trannies, mixed marriage, leftist view points and socialism. Don’t rule him out yet. The current young will finish what the hippies or was it the wobblies started.

  3. Well, we can all kneel down and pray for America. But not during the National Anthem and not at football games because the turkeys on the field don’t represent America anymore.

  4. Talent prevails because that’s what makes money for the team. If Krapperdump was a good player, he’d have been signed by now. Heck, there are some players who get arrested for DUI, drugs or domestic violence but they don’t get dropped. They have to sit out a few games or go to counseling, but if they’re good players, they don’t get dropped.


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