NBC’s China Olympics were a ratings DISASTER – IOTW Report

NBC’s China Olympics were a ratings DISASTER

PM: The 2022 Winter Olympics that wrapped up in China over the weekend have been a ratings disaster for NBC, leaving the major network questioning its $7.75 billion investment that gave it exclusive US media rights to the Games through 2032.

The New York Times called the Olympic Games “a joyless spectacle,” while other media adjectives include “the low bar of avoiding total disaster.”

According to the Associated Press, through Tuesday, an average of 12.2 million watched the Olympics in primetime on NBC, cable, or its Peacock streaming service, a 42-percent dip from the 2018 Winter Olympics in Seoul, South Korea.

“Only 10 million watched NBC alone, a 47-percent drop from 2018, and through early last week, it was down 57 percent in the critical 25-54 age demographic from the Seoul games,” Fox News reported, noting the Super Bowl viewership boost NBC got from airing the Olympics right after the network aired the game. more

14 Comments on NBC’s China Olympics were a ratings DISASTER

  1. A wise man once said:

    I am gross and perverted
    Im obsessed n deranged
    I have existed for years
    But very little had changed
    I am the tool of the government
    And industry too
    For I am destined to rule
    And regulate you

    I may be vile and pernicious
    But you can’t look away
    I make you think Im delicious
    With the stuff that I say
    I am the best you can get
    Have you guessed me yet?
    I am the slime oozin out
    From your tv set

    Frank had ’em pegged almost a half century ago!!

  2. When Lindsey Vonn put the mouth on President Trump in 2018 we tuned out the Olympics for good. Korea is 17 hours ahead of the west coast. The media had all that time to edit out her comment but they neglected to do so. Too bad NBC. Suck it up you worthless commies.

  3. Actually the Chinks got what they demanded, no audience.

    And the IOC banned the Russians who competed anyhow, somehow, and the whole thing stunk like Kamalala’s crotch.

  4. The what? Oh, I don’t watch teevee, it’s only used for spreading propaganda and fear these days, maybe someone else can tell you about whatever’s on there, I don’t know and I don’t care…

  5. I actually did not know who won men’s hockey so after my earlier post I checked into it.

    Finland – gold Slovakia – bronze ROC – Silver ????

    Who the fuck is ROC I though?
    Republic of Czech? – NO
    Rep. of ChYnA? – NO

    I actually had to look it up:
    ROC = Russian Olympic Committee. (I Had No Idea.)

    Anyway, Congrats Canada on your 6th place finish after spending 2 years locked in bedrooms playing Nintendo “Ice Hockey” as you Prime Minister & Premiers kept you soft.

    The rest of the world kept Playing, Except Australia.
    They were Jerking off kangaroos instead.

  6. These Games Were “Barely” Watchable. The Disdain For the Athletes With Their T.V. Dinners Was Appalling. The IOC Should Apologize To the Athletes For There Deplorable Often Sad “Living” Conditions !


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