NC: Buncombe County Sheriff Candidate Who Joked About Killing Gun Owners Loses Election – IOTW Report

NC: Buncombe County Sheriff Candidate Who Joked About Killing Gun Owners Loses Election

Conservative Firing Line: Democrat sheriff candidate Daryl Fisher thought it was funny to suggest killing gun owners during one of his appearances in the run-up to the primary in Buncombe County, NC. The great news is, he lost the primary on Tuesday.

The controversy

“You’ve heard people say: ‘You’ll have to pry my gun from my cold, dead hands… Okay.” Daryl Fisher

This is the event where he made the remark:

He apologized later, but the remark shows the mentality of a man who should NEVER wear any kind of badge for the protection of citizens. The Sheriff is the primary law enforcement official in a county. If they joke about killing lawful gun owners, there is a severe problem. This is the reason we as gun owners have difficulty getting through to the liberals – their lack of desire to dialogue. It’s a political issue that should have rational discussion…but it rarely seems to.

Fortunately, Fisher lost the primary, coming in third. Why did he lose the primary? Hopefully because even the Democrats in Buncombe County found his remark egregious. Were those who DID vote for him, all 3,335 of them, either out to lunch and had no clue what they were voting for, or were they hoping for the scenario that Fisher advocated?  more here

14 Comments on NC: Buncombe County Sheriff Candidate Who Joked About Killing Gun Owners Loses Election

  1. I live near a gated community of 55+ plus residents. Two weekends ago they held a rally in front of the guard gate supporting high school students advocating gun control.

    No, they didn’t get the irony.

  2. Great article, but I disagree with one point: the sheriff isn’t the primary law enforcement officer of the county, the district attorney is. The sheriff and/or his deputies can arrest anyone they want, but if the DA doesn’t file charges, there’s no case.

  3. Absofuckinglutely, why the hell shouldn’t we take that as seriously, if not more so, than the snowflake F*c&faces that raise hell about a pop tart or legos being shaped like a gun???

  4. He clearly needs to surrender any service weapon. He has demonstrated his lack of fealty to the Constitution. He is dangerous and needs to be watched. That should be a priority of the new incoming sheriff.


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