NC Republicans Push Legislation to Fund Mobile Voter ID Machine for Those Legal Voters without Proper ID – IOTW Report

NC Republicans Push Legislation to Fund Mobile Voter ID Machine for Those Legal Voters without Proper ID

Gateway Pundit-

Senate Bill 724 takes away ANY racist excuse Democrats can argue about the lack of voter IDs for certain populations in the state.

And it secures the state election from fraudulent voters.

Democrats are not sure how they will vote on it. more here

8 Comments on NC Republicans Push Legislation to Fund Mobile Voter ID Machine for Those Legal Voters without Proper ID

  1. I’m not sure I understand the value of catering to every crybaby out there that says they didn’t have the opportunity to vote. It’s a person’s responsibility to prepare yourself so you can vote. I’m sick of even the elephants babying to the lowest common denominator. I call BULLSHIT!!

  2. joe6pak, remember last week when AOC blamed Trump for not fixing her abuela’s AnCeSTrAL HoMe in Puerto Rico, and then Matt Walsh raised $100,000 in one day to fix it? And AOC refused the money? And now abuela says it’s not Trump’s fault, it’s the local grifter pols.

    I could be wrong, but I think I’m starting to see a pattern here of whiny Dems having their bluff called.

  3. Democrats don’t care there’s a solution to their constant complaints. No leftist manufactured crisis can be allowed to end. The left would have no leverage.
    Democrats will still find some way – (a leftist judge), to get rid of the Vote ID machine, even if the NC Republican are successful in overriding Gov. Cooper’s veto…because somehow…all together, now…it’s racist!

  4. Just asking:

    Who in the modern world is actually able to function without “Proper ID”?

    You cannot rent a car,
    Sign a lease/rent an apartment,
    Get a cell phone account (most cases)
    Open a bank account,
    Go to school,
    Get a Visa/Master card,
    Collect WELFARE,
    Get EBT Cards,
    Get Internet service,
    Get medical care,
    Pay or Receive Tax or Credits
    Fly – ANYWHERE
    Get a set of fake stripper tits installed.

    I’m probably wrong about a few of these things but for the most part, you even need some level of ID to use an ATM (access Card)

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