NC sheriff hopeful apologizes for joke about taking guns away from people’s ‘cold, dead hands’ – IOTW Report

NC sheriff hopeful apologizes for joke about taking guns away from people’s ‘cold, dead hands’

You can do better than this guy, North Carolina.

FOX: NC sheriff hopeful apologizes for joke about taking guns away from people’s ‘cold, dead hands’.

A Democratic candidate for sheriff in North Carolina apologized Sunday for a joke about taking guns away from people’s “cold, bare hands.”

R. Daryl Fisher, who is seeking the Democratic Party’s nomination in the upcoming primary election for Buncombe County sheriff, has come under criticism following his remarks at a monthly Moms Demand Action meeting for gun control earlier this month.

During his short speech, where he expressed support for banning high-capacity magazines and “any weapon that’s designed for use by the military,” he joked about taking away guns once people are dead.

“Don’t believe the scare tactics, because you’ve heard people say, ‘You’ll have to pry my gun from my cold, dead hands,’” Fisher is heard saying in a video posted by his campaign at the 3:04 minute mark. “OK … Whenever you pass away, we’ll come get it,” he quipped.  more here

26 Comments on NC sheriff hopeful apologizes for joke about taking guns away from people’s ‘cold, dead hands’

  1. The main premise of a joke is that it is funny. This guy should be run out of town on a rail. If he doesn’t believe in my rights then he does not believe in anybodies rights.

  2. Here’s the joke. This ass hole is the exact reason we can never give up our guns. He’s living proof the founders were right. And he’s every gun owners sworn enemy. He better watch his ass.

  3. My first thought was the same as all – he wasn’t joking. Of course, it didn’t go the way he thought, so now he pretends it was a joke.

    BB, I passed that on, too. I’m so sick of seeing his smug childish face, but we need to be relentless in our disdain and ridicule. I hope he cries in his pillow at night.

  4. Wait. Stop me if you’ve heard this one. If you shoot at me, I’ll kill you, your family, and all you friends, and I’ll burn your damn house down. Hahaha! I love that joke!

  5. What about when the “cold, dead hands” belonged to a cop, or an innocent bystander?
    That’s the contribution of the left: arrogant assholes with big mouths and small minds.
    Asshole should be tarred, feathered, and run out of town on a rail.

  6. The worst part is the pause: …cold dead hands, pause, ok…. longer pause, ha ha… Fking hilarious. That was a threat that you thought your voters would get behind. You want to start a war? ”cause that’s how you start a war you fat, stupid, inbred…. Hop back on the short bus and go home.


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