NCAA Official Resigns Over Trans Policies in Women’s Sports – IOTW Report

NCAA Official Resigns Over Trans Policies in Women’s Sports

It’s “Authorized Cheating.”

8 Comments on NCAA Official Resigns Over Trans Policies in Women’s Sports

  1. Similarly to having mice in the pantry.

    If your first thought is “Gee, aren’t they cute?” you’re doomed to a pantry full of mouse-shit and piss and all your goods spoiled and/or eaten.
    Not to mention the possibility of disease and the mice definitely spreading throughout the house.

    The fruits of tolerance.

    These mentally-ill opportunists should have been shown the doors to electro-shock therapy and lobotomy, instead of being allowed to infest women’s sports.
    It’s far easier to let them in then it is to eradicate the infestation.

    We have slept through this miasma of evil too long.
    Thankfully, some are waking up.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Until women athletes refuse to participate, spectators refuse to attend and sponsors refuse their support the narrative will be driven by the insane. Those promoting allowing men who identify as women to compete against real women are either agenda driven, living in the liberal fantasy land or as mentally unstable as the men who claim to identify as women. I’d guess it’s simply another liberal attempt to destroy traditional values, make mental illness seem normal and the denial of reality. All liberal policy is geared toward destruction of something.

  3. I enjoy watching Caitlin Clark, the star of the Iowa women’s basketball team and the best woman’s college player in the nation, play. For women’s basketball, Clark is a generational player who is also surrounded by very good women’s basketball players. Iowa is currently ranked number 4 in the nation.

    The Iowa men’s basketball team is also good, but is a middle of the road Big 10 team with a reputation of playing mediocre defense and is not ranked. The men’s team would crush the women’s team, and while Clark would undoubtably score and get assists, her performance would be at best average in a game between the men’s and women’s team.

    But Wyatt, you say, Big 10 basketball players are much bigger than the women. While that’s part of the difference between men and women, let’s assume an exhibition game where the men’s team is only allowed to play its smaller guards – you would get the same result because those players are still bigger, stronger and faster.

    I enjoy women’s basketball, but make no mistake – it’s a different game than men’s basketball which is part of the reason I enjoy it. The tallest player on Iowa’s women’s team is listed at 6’3″. The smallest player on the men’s team is listed at 6’0″, and the smallest Iowa men’s starter is 6’4″.

    The only way to bring men’s physical condition down to women’s physical condition is through drugs and chemicals – you are essentially trying to engineer biological men to become women as a best case scenario. And as the plethora of mediocre male athletes competing and dominating in women’s sports shows, this doesn’t work and make male athletes the same as female athletes.

  4. Why is it a MAN who is taking the lead here, ladies? You should be embarrassed. I would tell you gals to grow a pair, but that’s the root of the problem: You can’t, but you won’t acknowledge the biology, to the detriment of your sisters.

    And feminists, no snide remarks about how you don’t need a man to open the door for you, because apparently you do need that.


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