Nearly 50% of voters think individual Americans can decide safe business practices during pandemic – IOTW Report

Nearly 50% of voters think individual Americans can decide safe business practices during pandemic

Just The News: Nearly half of all U.S. voters think that individual Americans are capable of assessing what kinds of business practices are safe during the pandemic, according to a new Just the News Daily Poll with Scott Rasmussen.

Asked who should be trusted to determine which businesses should remain open during the pandemic, 45% said “individual Americans,” while 39% said “governors and mayors.” 

The remaining 16% of respondents were unsure. more

SNIP: “The remaining 16% of respondents” are the ones who wear a mask and gloves inside their own cars.

10 Comments on Nearly 50% of voters think individual Americans can decide safe business practices during pandemic

  1. That is not good news.
    It means that 50% think they need the government to tell them how to wipe their asses.

    “Back to front Right Jill? Honey! Dr. Jill? Where’s that Dog?”

  2. Unsure. Even worse.

    Unsure if they are qualified or not to have control of their own lives. A sheep is quite happy being a sheep. A wolf says, “fuck it, I don’t east grass I want meat!”

    An unsure eats soy and eventually soylent green.

  3. We are all here to experience and die ! When people turn to see themselves immortals? We are immortals ok, I mean our souls are. There were some bad plagues in the history. Pretty ugly too, millions of deaths, right? There is any word of history that says the countries affected turned into totalitarian states? no! Tuberculosis is walking free around us and is very easy to get it if your organism is not strong. Have any state turning into totalitarianism because of tuberculosis? no. All over the world, people are indoctrinated to be afraid of diseases, bacteria,germs. Fear is learnt in schools and groom in all corporate jobs so they control us by it. Fear is our biggest enemy. For me and many others as me, LOOSING LIBERTY AND HUMAN RIGHTS is the biggest fear. To see our future in concentration camps. Because is what they will do to us.

  4. “Nearly 50% of voters think individual Americans can decide safe business practices during pandemic”

    …and nearly 100% of Government says “Fuck you, we’ll TELL you how to live your lives and punish you for disobedience now that we no longer allow you to vote”.

    …looks like THAT debate is over, nicht wahr?


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