Nearly 50,000 doctors and scientists, 630,000 citizens have signed global anti-lockdown proclamation – IOTW Report

Nearly 50,000 doctors and scientists, 630,000 citizens have signed global anti-lockdown proclamation

Just The News: Six weeks after it was first published, the Great Barrington Declaration — an international pronouncement meant to shine light on what it calls the “damaging physical and mental health impacts of the prevailing COVID-19 policies” — has garnered nearly 700,000 signatures from scientists, academics, doctors and citizens worldwide, with more signatories being added each day as a fresh spate of lockdowns continues across Europe and parts of the United States. 

Regional and nationwide lockdowns have been an international feature of the COVID-19 pandemic since almost the start of the year. At the outset of the pandemic, China instituted a severe lockdown of the Hubei province where the disease first originated. Global health officials were initially skeptical of the Chinese lockdown, which went against many major established pandemic guidelines.

As the virus spread west into Europe and the United States, however, many heads of state began instituting their own lockdowns, with major countries such as Italy, Spain and the United Kingdom instituting broad stay-at-home orders, business shutdowns, school closures and other unprecedented policies in order to prevent a modeled catastrophic death toll. 

In the United States, President Trump declined to impose a national lockdown, but throughout March and April governors and local leaders across the country issued their own shutdown orders, some of them lasting for months at a time. The ongoing fall spike of positive COVID-19 tests, meanwhile, has been followed by governors reimposing some of those measures after they were loosened over the summer.  read more

11 Comments on Nearly 50,000 doctors and scientists, 630,000 citizens have signed global anti-lockdown proclamation

  1. Regardless of the doctors and citizens that have signed the ‘anti-lockdown’ proclaimation….It is WE the PEOPLE that simply need to stand, en mass, and resume our Constitutional rights.

    It really is that simple.

  2. Only 700,000?

    I refuse to submit. I go about my business unmolested, but that probably has little to do with me and is more about where I live.

    We go about daily with pistols on our hips, (not me. I don’t open carry in public unless I’m coming off a pasture and simply don’t give a fuck) speak to everyone, and wave to everyone when we are too far for speech.

    Fucking democrats always snarl at one another and hate everyone.

    Here we stop on the side of the road for funeral processions. We move over for police, MODOT, and stop to ask apparently stranded motorists if they need help.

    Shit, I sound like Norman Rockwell. But you know what, that’s how we are.

  3. Here in Wyoming they are mandating a mask requirement until December 4th. I tend to see the Mayor every now and then. The next time I see him I’m gonna tell him to take the mask mandate and shove it up his ass.

    ……then I’ll remind him of when we all saw him (and the chief of police) get on their knees when the BLM rally was forced upon us and cry.

    His name is Matt Hall. Spineless weenie.

  4. Tiny Tike De Whiner has instituted a 10PM to 5AM curfew in Ohio because the virus hides during the other hours. I will vote for Mr. Potatohead before I vote to reelect this little Napoleon. People were out in droves today so fu De Weiner.


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