Nearly a Third of Democrats Believe the Election Was Stolen From Trump – IOTW Report

Nearly a Third of Democrats Believe the Election Was Stolen From Trump

Let me repeat, nearly a third of Democrats believe it is likely that the election was stolen from President Trump. That’s a remarkable number. Huge, in fact.

19 Comments on Nearly a Third of Democrats Believe the Election Was Stolen From Trump

  1. You know what poll question should be asked?

    If proven that the election was stolen from President Trump by Hillbilly Clinton, Barack Bendito Obama, and Beijing Biden do you believe they should go to prison? 🤔

  2. Yeah. My impression of my Lefties is that Biden won and all is well. If they hear of “vote fraud” they may as well put their hands over their ears and yell,”Lalalalala-lalala..!” That’s Fake news now.

  3. “Georgia is pregnant?”

    Hard to conceive where Georgia Politicians are fucking us. I hope Lin Wood and Sid Vicious are the real thing. If they are, muther fxckers are going to jail. A lot of them.

  4. Joe6

    You know, I’ve met some ruthless, savvy business men in my time. One in particular reminds me of Trump. The guy lived for the battle. But very self aware and intelligent. Made asshole out of his competitors. Back in the day when the AIDS shit broke. I mean like THE day, he invested 500K into Trojan Rubbers parent company. Tripled his money in a week. I wish I were that smart. I’m pretty sure you know people like that too. So to think Trump doesn’t have multiple descending back up plans in place is naive at best. I continue to believe the plan he’s betting the ranch on is military intervention. Military Tribunals. The least path of resistance. The intelligent way to win and inflict the most damage on your enemies. And damn, he, we, have a lot of enemies.

  5. I’m not sure we know how much danger we are in as a country in all of this? It’s easy to see what their intent is if they would get power, but what will they do when this comes down on their heads? Either way it will get crazy. These people need to go to prison for a long time. Hopefully Trump has a plan for all of this.

  6. Brad, it’s funny you should say that. For twenty years I worked for a guy that could have been Trumps brother. Speaking patterns and mannerisms just identical. I learned a lot from him, but not enough, I’m not retired yet. This guy was known for saying, “Every Day is War”. And he believed it and lived it. He had a Japanese distributor that knew he liked that saying, so he had a banner made for my boss with Japanese writing, stark white with blood red writing saying, every day is war. Anyway, a Korean distributor came to town to demand better terms or else, walked into John’s office and he had that banner hanging directly behind him. Took the wind right out of his sails. From what I understand the Korean was lucky to maintain his distributorship by the time he left.

  7. joe6pak
    We are on the exact same page once again my brother. My guy parked his business right next to my shop because he’d done his research on who could build his shit. I was young and pretty back then. He’d get quotes substantially lower than mine on his fab parts. Call me over and show me the numbers. First couple times I tried to match the competitions. The third time I told him you better go with the competition. Which spurred a big shit eating grin from him. Actually pissed me off. But in retrospect, shame on me. There is a crowd that moves much faster and more intelligently than most of us. And Trump leads that crowd.


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