Nearly Half of Swing District Voters Want Illegal Alien Families Deported Together to Their Native Country – IOTW Report

Nearly Half of Swing District Voters Want Illegal Alien Families Deported Together to Their Native Country

Breitbart; Nearly half of voters living in swing districts across the United States say that illegal alien families who cross the U.S.-Mexico border should be deported together back to their native countries.

The latest CBS News/YouGov poll reveals that a plurality of swing district voters support President Trump’s position that border crossing family units should be deported together out of the U.S.

About 48 percent of swing district voters say illegal alien families arriving at the U.S.-Mexico border should be deported “back to their home country together,” a plan that Trump is hoping to execute in order to mitigate the country’s illegal immigration problem. more here

9 Comments on Nearly Half of Swing District Voters Want Illegal Alien Families Deported Together to Their Native Country

  1. Let’s change the term “deported” to “rejected.” Their entry into the United States should be rejected because they have no status – deporting them assumes a label for status even if it is “illegal.” Make it rejected with no admission or acknowledgement of entry whatsoever.

  2. Every swing district voter needs to see the Marxist who will be Mexico’s next ruler, talking about a hostile takeover of American territory via a government-backed illegal invasion.

  3. I disagree. Instead of going to the expense of transporting these illegals all the way back to, say Honduras for example, we should just send them to the Mexico side of the border and let Mexico deal with them. It’s Mexico that is allowing this to happen, let Mexico have them.

  4. Quite frankly I’m sick and tired of paying to transport these a-holes around like they’re on a Caribbean cruise, not to mention housing/feeding etc. Put them on buses, drive south midpoint into Mexico and tell them they have 2 choices, and Northward is not one of them.

  5. Joe
    with respect – your are wrong. Mexico will send ’em back if we do not send ’em far down. Take it from someone who lived through Ike’s deportation of almost 3.6% of America’s population “Wet Back” worked because Ike shipped ’em down to Progresso, Puerto Morelos and near by towns. Ike made it expensive for their government to mount an invasion. They had neither the money nor the will to do it!


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