Nearly Two Million Bottles Of Fiji Water Recalled, Bacterial Contamination Concerns – IOTW Report

Nearly Two Million Bottles Of Fiji Water Recalled, Bacterial Contamination Concerns

100% Fed Up:
Fiji Water recalled approximately 1.9 million bottles sold on Amazon due to concerns of manganese and bacterial contamination.

“The FDA announced on May 23 that 78,533 cases of Fiji Natural Artesian Water had been recalled due to manganese and three bacterial genera,” Daily Mail reports. MORE

24 Comments on Nearly Two Million Bottles Of Fiji Water Recalled, Bacterial Contamination Concerns

  1. My cousin John lives way out in the boonies, he rents an old tenant house on a farm. I have to go outside to get one bar of signal strength on my phone. The well water isn’t potable and he depends on bottled water. A lot of people depend on bottled water for drinking, including millions of Africans.

  2. So, tell me more…was the contamination from the water source, the bottling plant, or the bottles themselves?

    Is the problem manganese being present at any level, or just above the limited safe exposire level.

    Do the employee restrooms have hand soap in their dispensers?

  3. What, no continuous quality improvement program? 🙂 Heck, no quality control AT ALL? How the hell do you spit out almost two million bottles of water that don’t meet your purity standards without detecting it right away? Anybody who continues to buy and drink Fiji water is askin’ for it.

  4. I used to buy a case now and then to keep around the office because it tasted better than the local swamp water till I read the label and saw the percent of “Total dissolved solids” aka “agricultural”and “Urban runoff”. I can even think of Fiji Water now without a vision of a turd floating down a stream.

  5. @Diogenes
    While hiking with the boy scout troop at Philmont scout ranch in 2008 we camped on a prairie pasture area and got caught up in a really strong thunderstorm. The area flooded but luckily we had camped on a high spot. The storm runoff was so significant we were able to top off all our water containers with recent rain water in the newly formed stream running by the campsite. Of course we put in the little purifying tablets and used the filter gadgets.
    I don’t remember any cow turds floating by, but there could have been some upstream.
    And none of us got sick.

  6. It’s possible to have water too clean as well. Reverse osmosis filters will clean up the water, but they can clean it up too much. Reverse osmosis will also remove healthy minerals such as calcium, magnesium, potassium and other bicarbonates, etc.
    In other words, we need that stuff. We (my wife and I) have used city water all our lives and it’s just fine. Thirty years ago we were saying “who in the heck is going to buy water when the tap water is just fine”. I get that city waters are going to vary and will taste different as they come from local sources, but that doesn’t mean that they are bad for you. There are a lot worse things out there to be far more concerned about like all the pizza and fast food diets that people are on! You want nasty chemicals? Look a all the processed food!

  7. Sippin’ Covfefe ☕
    SUNDAY, 2 JUNE 2024, 23:51 AT 11:51 PM

    “Do the employee restrooms have hand soap in their dispensers?”

    …Ive been in several food plants. That question is irrelevant because many of the Muslims use the urinal water to wash first dick, then hands, and completely bypass the sink and attendant soap dispenser. Some may use the sink to fill a used water bottle for dick washing purposes, but thats pretty much it. Occasionally one moves the dick washing to the sink next to you or snorts water from it to blow boogers all over it (thats why our controls are touchless), but actual soapy handwashing? Not so much.

    This is just what goes on publicly at the urinals.

    I dont know what they do in the stall, but Im told that theres a VERY good reason for both the economies in toilet paper realized Muslim populations AND the saying “Never Shake The Left Hand Of A Turk (or any OTHER Muslim).

    I have no idea what goes on in the womans room, Im afraid to ask.

    Its useless to point this out to management, theyre scared of em.

    Ditto the onsite Federal regulators. They ignore it and dont want to hear about it either.

    There are additional and better enforced sinks at entries into open container/raw product areas, but in the CLOSED container areas, well, lets just say you REALLY want to wash your container before you open it, and make sure you wash your hands too.

    …theres some other stuff that Asian and Latin American internationals bring to the mix, but if the above isnt enough to get you to rinse off your can before the opener and your bottle before your mouth, I dont know what WILL…

  8. We buy ICE Mountain water, and I refill my water bottles a few times from an Alexapure water filter which gets rid of fluoride (and a bunch of other stuff) and has embedded silver to kill bacteria.

    Not sure how it gets rid of a bunch of chemicals without it being ‘too clean’, but we’ve been doing this for years.

  9. fullmetal256
    MONDAY, 3 JUNE 2024, 10:12 AT 10:12 AM

    “Not sure how it gets rid of a bunch of chemicals without it being ‘too clean’, but we’ve been doing this for years.”

    …you actually CAN over filter water for human consumption. The antifreeze plant I work in has a filtration system that basically removes everything but the H2 and the O, so much so that they monitor the conductivity to see if its pure enough (pure water does NOT conduct electricity).

    …the thing is, water THIS pure is NOT safe to drink either. If you strip water of ALL the tramp minerals and salts, it will actually screw up your electrolytes in your cells, injuring or killing them…and YOU.

    …the Lord who made the package made it to fit into the rest of His creation, and He knew that wasnt going to include pure water. Thats why He put an immune system into the OEM build too.

    There is such a thing as over filtration, then.

    Be clean, but within limits. Too much of ANYTHING is bad for humans.

    …even cleanliness…

  10. SNS. Thanks for the link. I will do more research, but I’m almost absolutely sure Alexapure doesn’t produce distilled water.

    I will verify when I have time.

    And thank you for sharing the significant amount of knowledge you have!


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