Nebraska Begins Mass Collection of Digital Health Data on All its Citizens – IOTW Report

Nebraska Begins Mass Collection of Digital Health Data on All its Citizens

GP: In an unprecedented move that has chilling implications for personal privacy, the State of Nebraska has begun the mass collection of digital health data on all its citizens, Reclaim The Net reported.

This initiative, part of a state Health Information Technology (HIT) Board’s mandate, consolidates health records in a way that has never been done before, raising alarm over the state’s direction toward a possible national digital ID system and the specter of surveillance that could follow.

The Nebraska Legislature made a law (LB 411) that says all healthcare facilities must share their health records in this system to help patients and improve how healthcare works together.

But, if a facility finds it too hard or impossible to do this because of tech issues, they need to fill out a waiver to explain their situation. The Health Information Technology Board will look at their reasons and decide if they can be excused from joining this system.

Centralized under the auspices of CyncHealth, the health data of over five million patients from 1,100 healthcare institutions are being compiled into a single, sprawling digital database. more

8 Comments on Nebraska Begins Mass Collection of Digital Health Data on All its Citizens

  1. “The Health Information Technology Board will look at their reasons and decide if they can be excused from joining this system.”

    Because, go fuck yourself, is why.

  2. In about a year and a half some Ukrainian Hackers will break into the Medical records & Ransomware the Hospitals.

    It happens in Canukistan all the time except that since the war they no longer mention where the attacks originated.


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