Nebraska Flooding: When the Government Cares More about Birds than People – IOTW Report

Nebraska Flooding: When the Government Cares More about Birds than People

AT: When I recently discussed (in these pages) the degree of responsibility for the current catastrophic flooding that should accrue to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), I clearly stated that the entirety of flooding could not have been prevented by the Corps or any other organization.

However, the severity and frequency of flooding throughout the Missouri River basin — most specifically, what has resulted in all but nine of Nebraska’s 93 counties being under a federal disaster declaration — has increased dramatically due to one reason only, and it ain’t climate change.

Average runoff in the Missouri River basin above Sioux City between the completion of the dams in 1967 and 2004 (when the management priorities were altered) averaged 25.19 million acre-feet (MAF).

The average runoff between 2004 and 2018 is 25.3 MAF, a statistically insignificant difference.  The 2004–2018 average includes two of the three highest runoff years since the advent of the dams, 41.3 MAF in 2018 and 61 MAF in 2011.

However, the 1967–2004 average includes seven of the top ten runoff years since the dams began operation, including the second highest runoff recorded: 49 MAF in 1997.

Yet, despite these stressors, before the Corps abandoned flood control as the highest priority of the dam system, these seven top ten high runoff years resulted in flooding far less severe and significantly less frequent than that seen since the change.


There is much more to the “management” of the Missouri River basin than just how and when to drain water.

In the interest of habitat restoration, etc. (the highest priority since 2004), tens of thousands of acres surrounding the river and more than a thousand miles of riverbank have been mechanically altered by the Corps — not with an eye to controlling flooding, but rather to facilitate the “reconnection of the river with its floodplain,” believed to be a necessity in achieving the goal of species and habitat preservation and restoration.

When the Corps believed that protecting people and property was a more worthy aim than fish and wildlife, the riverbanks were stabilized, shored against erosion and high-water events.  The channels were kept largely free of silt infill to facilitate the draining efficiency of the river that essentially deals with the runoff of vast millions of square miles of mountain and plains snow and rain.  more


DOT Nebraska

Helping Nebraska flood victims here   and Here


10 Comments on Nebraska Flooding: When the Government Cares More about Birds than People

  1. Sarthurk APRIL 10, 2019 AT 5:18 PM
    “Why does one build a home or any other structure that’s not designed to float, in the FLOOD PLAIN?”

    More importantly, why do we taxpayers keep underwriting their flood insurance?

  2. The real truth about climate is weather warfare AND our own government is doing it to America. This once thriving country has to be destroyed into submission to the NWO. National strength is a hindrance to the plans of satanic agents such as Soros/Rothschild/and others of their ilk. HAARP is the basic destructive force being run by the US Military.

    The Ultimate Weapon of Mass Destruction: “Owning the Weather” for Military Use
    By Prof Michel Chossudovsky
    Global Research, July 05, 2018
    Global Research 27 September 2004
    “The US military has developed advanced capabilities that enable it selectively to alter weather patterns. The technology, which was initially developed in the 1990s under the High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP), was an appendage of the Strategic Defense Initiative – ‘Star Wars’. From a military standpoint, HAARP –which was officially abolished in 2014– is a weapon of mass destruction, operating from the outer atmosphere and capable of destabilising agricultural and ecological systems around the world.”

    WEDNESDAY, APRIL 10, 2019
    The HAARP Homicide of America
    “In watching the local forecasts in this region, no one knows what this monster bomb will do as they keep stating that the atmosphere is wobbling. The reality is HAARP is generating another weather bomb of super size, to accomplish exactly what I warned all of you of a few days ago, in order to stop the planting of wheat from Montana to Minnesota, and especially the wheat belt of the Dakotas and Nebraska.”


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