Nehlen: Ryan’s Betrayal of GOP Nominee Beneath Dignity Of His Office, Morally Disqualifying – IOTW Report

Nehlen: Ryan’s Betrayal of GOP Nominee Beneath Dignity Of His Office, Morally Disqualifying

PaulNehlen: JANESVILLE, WI – Republican House Speaker Paul Ryan has spent months working against his Party’s nominee and the American people, who want a leader that will put the interests of America and her citizens first.

Paul Ryan’s repeated betrayals of the GOP nominee is beneath the dignity of the Speakers’ office and is morally disqualifying.

Paul Ryan has shown more passion in attacking Trump than he has ever shown in defending Americans.

Whether you are a Republican or a Democrat, it’s hard to disagree with the fact that Ryan’s efforts to undermine the Republican nominee—while pretending to have endorsed the nominee— is the kind of two-faced dishonest politics that has caused Americans of all political stripes to come to loathe Washington D.C.

Following his statement on the Khan family— in which Ryan joined Hillary Clinton and the establishment media in rebuking Trump’s common sense immigration proposals— Ryan then opted to use the Koch brothers’ elite donors retreat to attack Trump’s trade policies in order to push his own globalist economic agenda, which is wildly out of step with voters across party lines in Wisconsin’s first Congressional District.  MORE

15 Comments on Nehlen: Ryan’s Betrayal of GOP Nominee Beneath Dignity Of His Office, Morally Disqualifying

  1. Going out, Mr Ryan. Can’t think of anyone, other than Obama and McConnell, who deserves to be turned out of office! Can you take them with you, please?

    However, I wonder who will be the next scumb bag leader of the house.

  2. Political neophyte Roger Marshall blew Tea Party Carpetbagger Tim Huelscamp of Kansas 1st Dist. out of the water yesterday by 12 pts.!! In mid-July ‘the polls’ showed Huelscamp up by 9. So much for polls, huh? Then the media reported Marshall’s win as “narrow”, “edged out”, “close.”

    This is an excellent harbinger to the Nehlen vs. Ryan contest.

  3. AA, I hope you’re right. Huelskamp was a NeverTrump for a while. Curz (can I post that) won there and endorsed him, Cruz also won in Ryans state, where I hope Ryan becomes toast. Looks like the writing on the wall since the nomination is unity. Whuddathunkit?

  4. @Aggie — Huelscamp was a fervent #NT-er to the bitter end. I think it’s directly related to why he was defeated by Marshall. And it does foreshadow Ryan’s race. Beyond the Republicans who want to defeat the Uniparty, there are also many Sanders voters who will vote to get rid of TPP Ryan. Wisconsin’s is an open primary.

  5. Hating them is not nearly enough. These Judas creeps need to be PUNISHED.

    The US Constitution specifies capital punishment. So why have so many politicians been dancing around in the open so unafraid ?!?!?

  6. Ryan has the purse strings to the Republican congressional campaign committee… he’ll screw other representatives to feather his own nest and campaign.
    Once a rino always a rino……be gone paul ryan.

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