Neil Gorsuch Already Mirroring Scalia – IOTW Report

Neil Gorsuch Already Mirroring Scalia


It is only Neil M. Gorsuch’s first month as an associate justice on the Supreme Court, but he is already showing just how similar his judicial philosophy is to that of his predecessor, the late Justice Antonin Scalia.

In several difficult criminal law cases, Gorsuch has asked sharp questions from the bench and cast one of his first votes to deny a stay of execution—moves that echo Scalia’s approach to the law.


7 Comments on Neil Gorsuch Already Mirroring Scalia

  1. Another interesting thing about Gorsuch… I read yesterday that he has declined to participate in the “cert pool” which is the process by which the Supremes select which cases to hear (which cases get a writ of certiorari) and which to reject. The usual pool process involves dividing up all the appeals into batches, with one batch going to the clerks of each justice. The downside is that a case of particular interest to a particular justice may never come to his attention.

    Gorsuch, on the other hand, has his clerks look at all the appeals. The implication is that any case he regards as important will be considered, not just those interesting cases in the much smaller batch (11% or so).

  2. I made a comment a couple days ago indicating I wasn’t ready to assume him to be a real conservative/constitutionalist without having a track record at the Supreme Court. It looks like his first couple passes around the track are pretty good.

  3. The left is seething! Good, I love to see them seethe, clench and grind their teeth in hate. I love the scowls like the Mooch always wore on her face. At first I hated them, but now it’s pure joy to see them F’ing pissed. I get to GLOAT!

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