Neil Oliver Emphasizes – Once You See the Weaponized Political Corruption, You Cannot Unsee It – IOTW Report

Neil Oliver Emphasizes – Once You See the Weaponized Political Corruption, You Cannot Unsee It

In his weekly monologue [Transcript HERE], Neil Oliver takes the stories we have outlined on these pages over the past week and weaves them into a comprehensive context.  Once you see the manipulation and lies from government, you can never unsee them.

However, the opposite is also true; once you see the truth, you can never not see it – and that sets up a very specific situation.  Once you know the truth about a series of events or issues, you can easily see the people who pretend not to know it. more

9 Comments on Neil Oliver Emphasizes – Once You See the Weaponized Political Corruption, You Cannot Unsee It

  1. I have watched many of this guy’s Videos.
    He is quite good.

    One of the reasons I am on No Ones side with Ukraine.
    Both Governments are SHIT.
    Citizens in Both Countries are being Exploited.
    (Jesus, some of these Russian soldiers look emaciated for years)
    The rest of the world is getting One side & it’s from the same MSM that steals elections, can’t figure out which bathroom to use, Vilifies Blue Collar workers, & Covers for Biden/Turdeau/Fauci/ChYnA.

    Fuck it, I’m Neutral like Swiss Cheese but with less Holes.

  2. “… reminds me of the behaviour of very young children, toddlers really …”

    If he means “evil, genocidal toddlers” I agree.
    Otherwise, he lost me.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Neil Oliver is the best. He can weave all these disparate threads into the truth.
    I highly recommend listening to his podcast, Love Letter to the British Isles.

  4. The whole world is corrupt, only God can and will straighten this mess out. And only trusting in Jesus Christ can give us life and hope with joy and peace in the midst of such corruption. If you seek the truth God will guide your heart.

  5. The only sincere fuck The Party gives about Ukraine is that the Ukrainians they installed represent the global center of The Party’s money laundering operation. Other than that they couldn’t give a flying fuck. Yea, I’m talking about the media, big tech, the Deep State and academia.

  6. We’ve always known that politicians were corrupt to some degree or another, but now it’s out in the open, in our faces and sanctioned and seems to be a race to see who can sell America down the river the quickest!

    Come one, come all, get on the business end of our going out of business sale!

  7. @Kcir – I swear I don’t have Drain Bamage, Yet March 27, 2022 at 10:09 am

    > One of the reasons I am on No Ones side with Ukraine.
    > Both Governments are SHIT.

    Wise choice, if neither will affect you.
    But what if, one of the poopy heads intends on shooting a few of the fat ladies off your back? Because the poopy heads that rule you, need you carrying fat ladies?

  8. The oligarchy believes they have us, they believe they are in complete control, they believe we’ll absorb any story they tell. They are for the most part right. The future belongs to the oligarchs at this point and there’s little we can do within their thoroughly rigged system to change that. Likely we will remain passive as the nooses tighten further, we can’t see an option that retains our comfort while relieving our generations of the tyranny now and in the future ruling us.

    The operating phrase is ‘retains our comfort’.

  9. The future of our country – and the world – lies in the useful idiots (aka “RINO’S and independents) finally seeing the light. It’s a long hard row to hoe, but we must persevere and prevail.

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