Neil Young Quits Facebook!!!! – IOTW Report

Neil Young Quits Facebook!!!!

Oh nooooes!

How tragic. Well, let’s hope he uses the extra time to try and get his eyes to focus on one spot. And maybe take a bath now and then.

21 Comments on Neil Young Quits Facebook!!!!

  1. Mad because no one is doing anything “meaningful” about climate change?
    You’re wealthy enough. Why aren’t YOU spending YOUR money doing anything meaningful about climate change?

    I enjoyed your music during your Cinnamon Girl and CSNY days. No more. Fine. Get off ZB, go back to Canadia.

  2. “Mad because no one is doing anything “meaningful” about climate change?”

    Or about Leprechauns!
    Or Centaurs!
    Or Unicorns!
    Or the Universal Ether!

    It’s a world of woe, there, Neil … so many fantasies, so little meaningfulness …

    Oh! I have a suggestion for ya, Neil!

    Piss in a boot until it’s all full up – then hold it over your head – chant “Al Gore” three times – while staring intently at the heel, turn it over!

    I guarantee it’ll work!

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Christmas 1982, senior year of high school, I was riding an AMTRAK train from Philadelphia to Chicago with my high school “love” going home for Christmas. About 6:30 AM I woke up while riding through the farmlands of Indiana and picked up my girlfriends WALKMAN to hear some tunes. It just happened to be cued up to “Out on the Weekend” from Neil Young’s “Harvest”. Listening to that song while watching the farmland go by, at dawn, was almost magical.

    That was about the LAST use I ever had for Neil Young.

  4. I like his music, but haven’t listened to it much lately. But not just Young, Willie Nelson and Bruce Springsteen are really getting on my nerves preaching their leftist views. I guess their creative juices have evaporated, so now they must spout their political views. Of the three,
    Willie let me down the most.

  5. 1972, riding the parochial school bus home,
    Heart of Gold from the transistor AM radio was blasting,,
    1976, riding in a SS Chevy Chevelle, 8 track was blasting,
    Still sounded like wobbingly shit,,

  6. Neil Young is worth $80 million. Everything he believes is fully in line the the Deep State/Blue State agendas. He cashes in on a decades old cachet of “sticking it to The Man” hoping that no one will notice that he has long since evolved into The Man.


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