Nellie Ohr Deleted Emails From DOJ Husband Bruce Ohr Proving ‘Improper Targeting’ Of Trump – IOTW Report

Nellie Ohr Deleted Emails From DOJ Husband Bruce Ohr Proving ‘Improper Targeting’ Of Trump

BLP: Nellie Ohr, wife of former Associate Deputy Attorney General Bruce Ohr, informed him that she was deleting emails sent from Bruce Ohr’s Department of Justice email account, according to redacted records obtained by the government watchdog organization Judicial Watch.

The Ohrs, both major players in efforts to formulate the Trump–Russia collusion narrative, remain under investigation for their ties to Fusion GPS and Christopher Steele, the author of the salacious, unverified dossier that the FBI used to obtain a FISA warrant to surveil President Trump’s 2016 campaign.

Bruce Ohr was the highest-ranking career official at the Justice Department, an associate deputy attorney general and director of the Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Force for the DOJ. Nellie Ohr was a Russia specialist and CIA contractor. In 2016, Nellie Ohr was hired by Fusion GPS the opposition research firm that was paid by the Democratic National Committee and the campaign of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to deliver information that would be damaging to rival candidate Donald Trump, including the Steele dossier.

Judicial Watch obtained the records through a March 2018 Freedom of Information Act lawsuit against the Justice Department.

Nellie Ohr assured Bruce Ohr that she would delete their correspondence in an email threat with the subject line, “Analyst Russian Organized Crime – April 2016.”

“Thanks!” Ohr wrote. “I’m deleting these emails now.”  more here

10 Comments on Nellie Ohr Deleted Emails From DOJ Husband Bruce Ohr Proving ‘Improper Targeting’ Of Trump

  1. If the deleted emails were with a ‘.gov’ address, she would have only deleted them from her local computer, not the main servers, so copies should still exist. I question how she would have authorization to delete emails that might have been .gov, as I don’t think she had that level of security clearance. If she was using her husband’s password, that would be another crime.

  2. I was at the dinner table watching CBS news with my dad when we first saw Janet Reno. My dad took a look and said; ‘That’s a hard-bitten woman’.

    If he were alive now, he’d say the same thing about Nellie.


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