Nellie Ohr To Testify Before Congress About Work For Fusion GPS – IOTW Report

Nellie Ohr To Testify Before Congress About Work For Fusion GPS

DC: Congress will interview Nellie Ohr, the wife of Department of Justice official Bruce Ohr, later this week, Texas Rep. John Ratcliffe said on Sunday.

Ratcliffe said Sunday that Ohr is expected to appear for a closed-door interview with the House Judiciary and House Oversight & Government Reform Committees, in an interview on Fox News.

Ohr worked during the 2016 election cycle for Fusion GPS, the opposition research firm that investigated Donald Trump on behalf of the Clinton campaign and DNC. Fusion hired former British spy Christopher Steele, the author of the infamous anti-Trump dossier that was used to obtain spy warrants against former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page.

While she worked for Fusion, Ohr’s husband, Bruce Ohr, was in contact with both Steele and Glenn Simpson, the founder of Fusion GPS.  more here

16 Comments on Nellie Ohr To Testify Before Congress About Work For Fusion GPS

  1. Testifying before Congress what a joke, what a circle jerk! Are we ever going to take treason and sedition seriously in this country or is it now just another reality tee vee show?

  2. In some what related news, I hope everyones following the story about the new Public Address system. I’m reading several places it gives the White House direct access to your phone. Could be fun.

  3. To the best of my knowledge, she is not, nor has she been, a government employee. Why is she ‘testifying’ behind closed doors? Testifying in closed session serves to protect our national security and confidential intelligence. But, with her not being an employee, she should not be privy to such knowledge. If she is, therein lies a rather large problem- how did it come to her? She should be made to testify in open session- no courtesy of seclusion- where her behavior and actions are made known to the general public. To interrogate her in private is a to deny the public their rightful knowledge. She has no protected status, and to have to depend on the committee to tell us, later and redacted, what she said is similar to cnn saying we can’t look at emails and they have to read them to us.

  4. Nellie? Who the heck is named “Nellie” anymore? Reminds me of an ancient limerick:

    There was a young lady from Thrace
    Whose corset got too tight to lace.
    Her mother said, “Nelly,
    There’s something in your belly
    That didn’t get in through your face.”


  5. “you were trying to post a link of a beautiful, patriotic, swimsuit model it didn’t work very well at all.”

    You’ll find those every morning on 90 Miles from Tirrany “Mystery Box” . Maybe the best thing on the web.


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