Nellie Ohr will be subpoenaed to compel her appearance – IOTW Report

Nellie Ohr will be subpoenaed to compel her appearance

DC: Nellie Ohr, the wife of Justice Department official Bruce Ohr, is refusing to appear before Congress for a closed-door hearing that was scheduled to take place this Friday, sources tell The Daily Caller News Foundation.

Ohr, who worked for Fusion GPS, the firm behind the Steele dossier, was scheduled to appear for interviews during a joint session with the House Judiciary and House Oversight & Government Reform committees. But two congressional sources said that she is not cooperating with the requests and will have to be subpoenaed to compel her appearance.

The sources also said that former FBI general counsel James Baker is not cooperating with the committees’ request for an interview.

“The Committee continues to seek the testimony of Nellie Ohr and Jim Baker and will compel their testimony if necessary,” an aide to House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte told TheDCNF.

Ohr was slated to appear before the committees to discuss her work for Fusion GPS. Ohr, an expert on Russian affairs, worked for Fusion GPS from December 2015 until just after the election.

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17 Comments on Nellie Ohr will be subpoenaed to compel her appearance

  1. If she is innocent, she should ask for the FBI to investigate her version of the events in question. If she’s guilty of anything, she should wait until the midterm election to insure that she doesn’t have to answer any questions.

  2. Just drag that ugly evil snatch in by her hair, and every time she refuses to answer a question, give her an electric shock. So tired of these treasonous POS getting away with literally murder and treason and being treated with kid gloves while trying to overthrow our republic.

  3. Who the hell names somebody Nellie? I think of a swayback horse wearing a straw hat when I hear that name. And with that bright shiny nose I’ll bet she’s knocking back a bottle of Chardonnay every night.

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